Good Guys With Guns Prevail
Every time the left points to a tragic mass shooting as evidence for gun control they skip over the hundreds of more incidents where a good guy with a gun stopped a potential shooting before it even happened. Such an event occurred just this month, in Dallas, Texas.
Breitbart News reports:
…the suspect allegedly walked in about 2:30 a.m., through a door that was open for construction personnel to enter and exit.
The suspect was described as being armed with an “assault rifle” and wearing body armor. He was shot and fatally wounded after unsuccessfully attempting to disarm the store’s security guard.
A Dallas Police press release summarized the incident:
“The suspect, described as an adult Black male, attempted to disarm the security officer but was unsuccessful. The security officer was able to pull his weapon and fired multiple times striking the suspect. The suspect ran for a short distance and collapsed in the rear alley. The responding officers administered aid to the suspect prior to his transport to an area hospital where he was pronounced deceased.”
CBS DFW published an Apple statement on the incident: “The loss of life is a tragedy and we are grateful that no one else was involved. Apple cares deeply about the safety of our customers and employees and we are committed to providing a secure environment for all who enter our stores.”
That security guard is a hero, and probably thanking his lucky stars that he was armed. The Democrats want to take guns away from people like the heroic unnamed security guard. We can’t let that happen!