Posts Tagged ‘TPP Action’
“Free” Always Comes With Strings Attached
Bernie Sanders’ delusions run deep. He argued that Americans would be “delighted to pay more in taxes” if his policies are carried out. Fox News has the details on Sanders’…
Read MoreCareless Federal Spending Should Make All Americans Angry
Leave it to the absolute mess that is the D.C. Swamp to launch spending to new heights. Thanks to unelected bureaucrats and a clueless Congress, the federal deficit is higher…
Read MorePinterest Jumps on Shadow-Banning Bandwagon
Project Veritas revealed documents from an inside source that a social media platform has been censoring content. No, it’s not Facebook or Twitter this time. Pinterest censored conservative content, specifically…
Read MoreJenny Beth’s Journal: Net Neutrality was Just Govt. Overreach, Plain and Simple
One year ago this week, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) reversed the Obama-era “net neutrality” policy which essentially allowed the government to regulate the internet. Jenny Beth has the commentary…
Read MorePatriot Spotlight: Making Time for the Tea Party
Joining the tea party movement seemed like a natural move for Regina Thomson. She was inspired and energized by the Rick Santelli rant. With her conservative beliefs, and with the uncertain political climate, she…
Read MoreLawmakers Carelessly Fatten Up Pork Barrel Projects
Balancing the government budget is a tough issue. How are lawmakers handling it? By coming up with unnecessary projects to increase more spending, of course. The Hill has the details:…
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