TPPCF Endorses Sarah Palin for U.S. House

ATLANTA, Ga. – Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund (TPPCF) Chairman Jenny Beth Martin today released the following statement, announcing that the Super PAC associated with the nation’s largest Tea Party group has endorsed Sarah Palin for a seat in the United State House of Representatives:
“Sarah Palin proved when she served as Mayor of Wasilla and Governor of Alaska that she is a strong conservative, committed to personal freedom, economic freedom, and a debt-free future. Perhaps more importantly to us, she proved AFTER she served as Governor of Alaska – during the early days of the Tea Party – that she is willing to stand up and fight for the values we share.
“Sarah is determined to get inflation under control. She says ‘we need to rein in wasteful spending, implement pro-growth policies so supply can catch up with demand, and unleash domestic energy production.’ She is right.
“She knows we cannot continue to spend, spend, spend, and has called for a Balanced Budget Amendment with a spending limitation provision that would ‘restrict federal spending to a responsible level below 20 percent of GDP.’ She is right.
“Sarah believes ‘parents need to play the primary role in their children’s education,’ and is a strong supporter of school choice programs, including charter schools and ‘vouchers that parents can use to send their children to higher-performing schools.’ She is right.
“She is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, and has been endorsed by the NRA. She says, ‘To protect the Second Amendment from further erosion, Alaska must be a vocal champion for firearm ownership.’ She is right.
“Consequently, on behalf of Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, I am pleased to endorse Sarah Palin for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, and I urge all voters in Alaska to make a plan to be a voter for her in the November general election.”