Tea Party Patriots: Obama Abusing His Authority to Bail Out Insurers’ Obamacare Losses

Tea Party Patriots: Obama Abusing His Authority to Bail Out Insurers’ Obamacare Losses
Atlanta, Ga. – Tea Party Patriots CEO and co-founder Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement today, reacting to reports the Obama Administration is planning to ignore Congress and use an obscure Treasury fund to bail out insurance companies losing money by participating in Obamacare.
“Obama and his henchmen are, once again, engaged in a desperate attempt to prop up the collapsing disaster that is Obamacare. Once again Obama is abusing his authority and completely going around Congress to bail out insurers stiffed by Obamacare, despite the fact that Congress specifically decided against bailing out these companies. Once again Obama is putting taxpayers on the hook for a bail out in the billions of dollars by using some obscure fund that supposedly can use as much taxpayer money as it needs. The entire Obamacare program was propped up by the blatant lies that consumers would be able to keep their doctor and their health plan if they liked it, that they’d get an average of $2500 per year in savings, and that premiums wouldn’t go up. Now that Obamacare has proven to be a failure and insurance companies are pulling out in droves, Obama is reaching into taxpayers’ pockets to bail out the insurers – a rip-off from A to Z. Obama must follow the law Congress passed and he signed and every Member of Congress who supports this illegal bail out will be held accountable.”