Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund Lauds Trump Acceptance Speech


July 19, 2024

Atlanta, GA – Tonight, former President Donald J. Trump delivered his official acceptance speech as the Republican nominee for President. In response, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund President Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement:

“Tonight’s speech by President Trump was powerful, heartfelt, and moving – all the more so after he survived last week’s assassination attempt and displayed tremendous courage during it. President Trump is running as a unifier, and that’s exactly what he is. He laid out a positive vision for a safe and prosperous America. Polls show that when it comes to personal qualities and policy issues, voters trust Trump more than Biden, sometimes by overwhelming margins. Biden has no case to make for himself besides slandering Trump and creating a climate of fear while stalling legitimate questions about his failing health. In a single term, Trump was one of the greatest presidents in U.S. history. We are excited by what he can do in a second term. Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund stands with Trump and we will do everything we can to help him achieve a historic return to office.”

Today, Townhall ran Ms. Martin’s op-ed, The Case for Trump: Now More Than Ever. To read it, click here.