Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund Applauds Trump Economy Speech


September 24, 2024

Atlanta, GA – Today, former President Donald J. Trump delivered a speech on taxes and the economy. In response, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement:

“On every issue, the contrast between President Trump and Vice President Harris is significant and to Trump’s advantage. When it comes to the economy, Trump’s advantage is irrefutable. We experienced firsthand the benefits of the Trump economy when he was in office: the lowest unemployment rate in generations, the largest wage gains in decades, negligible inflation. This wasn’t an accident, it was a direct result of his historic tax reform law and deregulation. The economy under the Biden-Harris administration is in shambles: the worst inflation in generations, the highest mortgage rates in decades, and weak job growth once the pandemic was over. This, too, is not an accident: it’s a direct result of the Biden-Harris spending spree and stifled domestic energy production. Harris is promising to double-down on the mistakes of her boss. Trump will build upon the success of his first term with further tax cuts and deeper deregulation. This is the formula America needs to escape the Biden-Harris malaise and return to prosperity.”

Today, Townhall ran Ms. Martin’s op-ed, Kamala’s ‘New Way Forward’ Is Just Big Government.