Tea Party Patriots Action’s Jenny Beth Martin Bashes House Dems For Lack of Transparency

Atlanta, GA – Today, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement in response to House Democrats’ refusal to openly vote on a free-standing budget resolution to make possible the spending of $3.5 trillion:
“The Democrats’ absurdity continues. House Democrats have once again ducked their responsibility to be open and transparent about what they’re doing. They ‘deemed’ the budget resolution passed by wrapping it up in a separate rule, rather than holding a free-standing vote on a resolution that would make possible a spending bill that will spend more money than any bill in the history of the U.S. government. If they really had the courage of their convictions, they would proudly vote for a budget resolution that funds their priorities. Instead, they play parliamentary tricks to hide their reckless spending and job-killing tax hikes. It’s outrageous!”