Tea Party Patriots Action Urges House to Pass No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act


September 12, 2024

Atlanta, GA – Today, the House will vote on the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement:

“The Biden-Harris administration wants to surrender U.S. sovereignty to the WHO by committing us to a dishonest and destructive treaty. Under this treaty, we would be in danger of ‘zero-COVID’ lockdowns — like the one China imposed on its citizens and others in China — during any event that foreign healthcare bureaucrats consider to be a ‘pandemic.’ Additionally, U.S. taxpayers would be on the hook for hundreds of billions of dollars per year in ‘pandemic preparedness’ spending, whatever that means. Since the treaty negotiations began, Tea Party Patriots Action has been mobilizing grassroots conservatives to expose and oppose this disastrous treaty. Today’s legislation requires the Biden-Harris administration to submit the treaty for Senate ratification, where it could be defeated, since all treaties submitted to the Senate require a two-thirds majority for ratification. Tea Party Patriots Action urges every House member to support this important, common-sense bill to protect the individual health of Americans and the sovereignty of our nation.”

In April 2024, Townhall ran Ms. Martin’s op-ed, Biden Selling Out Your Healthcare to Global Bureaucrats. To read it, click here.

For more information or any press inquiries, please contact TJ Winer at [email protected]