Tea Party Patriots Action Urges House to Pass Spending Bill with SAVE Act Attached


September 11, 2024

Atlanta, GA – Today, the House is expected to vote on a short-term spending bill known as a “Continuing Resolution” that has the “Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act” (SAVEAct) attached to it. The SAVEAct strengthens current law by requiring states to obtain documentary proof of citizenship before registering anyone to vote in federal elections. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement:

“Tea Party Patriots Action strongly supports the SAVEAct. We thank Speaker Johnson for attaching the SAVEAct to ‘must-pass’ legislation that will keep the government open past the September 30 funding deadline. The legacy media keeps insisting the SAVEAct is redundant because non-citizen voting is already illegal. What they don’t explain is that there is currently no enforcement method to ensure that the law is being followed. What the SAVEAct does is require states to obtain documentary proof of citizenship before registering a new voter – in other words, the SAVEAct adds an important safety mechanism to ensure the law is being implemented as intended and to strengthen the integrity of our elections.

“Strengthening election integrity is at the heart of Tea Party Patriots Action’s mission. In January of this year, we commissioned John McLaughlin’s company to conduct an election integrity poll. We learned that 87% of Americans agree that ‘proof of U.S. citizenship should be required to register to vote in American elections,’ and that 79% agree that ‘foreigners should be prohibited from interfering, including voting, in U.S. elections.’ Ahead of the 2022 midterms, we recruited and trained over 20,000 poll watchers and poll workers. We are redoubling those efforts for the 2024 election and our goal is to exceed what we did in 2022.

“While the Biden-Harris administration is deliberating flooding our country with illegal aliens, overwhelming majorities of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents want to protect our elections from foreign interference. That is what makes the SAVEAct so important. We urge every House Member to vote for today’s spending bill that includes the SAVEact.”

This week, Townhall ran Ms. Martin’s op-ed, The House Should Pass Speaker Johnson’s “Cr + SaveAct.” To read it, click here.

To learn more about TPPA’s election integrity poll conducted by McLaughlin & Associates, click here. Crosstabs available upon request.

For more information or any press inquiries, please contact TJ Winer at [email protected]