Tea Party Patriots Action Urges House to Pass Budget Resolution to Keep Taxes Low, Enhance Border Security, Bolster Defenses, and Develop U.S. Energy sources


February 25, 2025

Atlanta, GA – As soon as Tuesday, the House will vote on a budget resolution that maintains current policy by extending the 2017 tax cuts, enhances border security, bolsters defense, and develops U.S. energy sources. In anticipation, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement:

“The budget resolution that House leaders have put together and that President Trump has endorsed is the best vehicle to follow the will of the voters and enact significant parts of the President’s agenda. It keeps taxes low, provides for enhanced border security and strengthening our national defenses, and allows for the development of U.S. energy sources. In a few words, it opens the door to Making America Great Again.

“This Thursday is the sixteen-year anniversary of the Tea Party movement, and for our three million supporters, this is the best opportunity we’ve ever had to enact the policies that we have championed since Day One.

“The President and House leaders are off to a fast start, and we trust them to continue building on the success they’ve had so far. Passage of the budget resolution is essential, and we urge every House Member to vote for it.”

For more information or any press inquiries, please contact TJ Winer at [email protected].