Tea Party Patriots Action Urges Homeland Security Committee to Impeach Mayorkas

January 10, 2024
Atlanta, GA – Today, the House Homeland Security Committee will begin impeachment hearings against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, starting with a hearing focused on the effects in the heartland of our country of his failure to resolve the border crisis. Ahead of the hearing, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement:
“The House Homeland Security Committee is taking a crucial step in holding DHS Secretary Mayorkas accountable for his gross negligence in managing the southern border. Since he was sworn in, Mayorkas has overseen consistent record-breaking surges in illegal immigration, which have led to serious national security concerns, humanitarian crises, and public safety issues among American citizens.
“Let’s be clear: The crisis at the southern border is the result of decisions made intentionally — it is the result of decisions made by officials of an administration determined to flout the law for the purposes of allowing millions of aliens to enter our country. This is wrong.
“The time is overdue for Congress to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas.”