Tea Party Patriots Action Urges Congress to Reject Debt Ceiling Deal

Atlanta, GA – Over the weekend, President Biden and Speaker McCarthy brokered the Fiscal Responsibility Act to resolve the debt ceiling standoff. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement:
“The debt ceiling deal is a rotten deal for Americans, and every Member of Congress should vote against it. President Biden got the better end of the deal and Republicans in Congress should hold the line and vote against it so a better deal can be struck. We were promised $4.8 trillion in spending cuts over a decade. In fact, that’s what House Republicans passed last month. Now, instead, we learn that Speaker McCarthy negotiated adding $4 trillion to the debt over the next 18 months. Our nation is in a perilous situation with the debt. It’s unconscionable that a Republican Speaker is negotiating with President Biden to add to the national debt.
“Our message to all Members of Congress is to vote no on the Biden-McCarthy debt deal, and to those who vote for the Biden-McCarthy deal: We will not forget it. November 2024 is just around the corner.”