Tea Party Patriots Action: “State of the Union” Is Miserable Because of Biden’s Policies; House GOP Will Help Set Course Correction

Atlanta, GA – Tonight, President Biden delivered his annual State of the Union address. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement:
“Contrary to President Biden’s assertion, the State of our Union is miserable, and the blame rests squarely with President Biden and the Democrats. Whether it’s record deficit spending causing the worst inflation in four decades, an ‘open borders’ policy causing a record stream of illegal immigrants crossing our border, or a weak foreign policy emboldening China and other adversaries, President Biden is always doing the wrong thing and American families always end up paying the price.
“The most important issue facing our country is spending. We need to get spending under control and we need to do it now. The surge in spending and borrowing since President Biden took office is putting us at risk of a major debt crisis in the near future. Led by Speaker McCarthy and the House Freedom Caucus, the new House Republican Majority has promised to tie any debt ceiling increase to significant spending reductions. TPPA strongly supports this approach. Biden and his allies in the media will do everything they can to scare Americans about the House Republican strategy, but mainstream Americans who care about their kids’ futures inside and outside the Beltway need to stand strong. Our future – and theirs – depends on it.”