Tea Party Patriots Action Slams One More Indictment of President Trump

Atlanta, GA – In yet another sweeping overreach, former President Trump and 18 other individuals have been indicted by the Fulton County District Attorney. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement:
“President Trump’s legal team spent weeks collecting affidavits — sworn testimony — from eyewitnesses who claimed to have personally seen election irregularities during the course of the 2020 election in Georgia. I am appalled and outraged by yesterday’s indictment, which is now the fourth prosecution of Trump by Democrats.
“There was nothing illegal in President Trump’s activities in Georgia. During the recount, the President rightfully pointed out irregularities in Georgia voting – irregularities confirmed directly from eyewitnesses, as well. When the president called the Georgia Secretary of State, he was asking Secretary Raffensperger to aggressively locate and weed out irregularities; he did not ask the Secretary to do anything illegal, either directly or indirectly.
“When it comes to the issue of Georgia’s electors, this is another attempt by Democrats to criminalize the political process and to criminalize First Amendment protected speech. The Trump campaign had a right to organize his electors, which could be either accepted or rejected by the U.S. Congress, as specified in the Constitution.
“This is the worst abuse of power in Georgia in my lifetime. Our country is being tested in ways we have not seen in many generations, but we must have courage and we must not lose hope.”