Tea Party Patriots Action Slams Biden for Executive Order on Border Crisis


June 4, 2024

Atlanta, GA – Today, the Biden administration issued a new executive order allowing the president to close the border in between ports of entry when there is an average of 2,500 crossings a day over a seven day period. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement:

“This is a joke. In the early days of his presidency, Joe Biden reversed his predecessor’s immigration policies — as he had promised to do while campaigning for the presidency in 2020 — and the result was predictable: Over seven million illegal aliens have settled in our country since Biden took office. Now, with voters listing immigration as the most important issue facing the country, according to most polls, Biden is pretending to do something about it in order to garner some positive headlines. It won’t work. 

“Joe Biden has had the power to stop the border invasion all along; all he has to do is enforce existing law. He won’t do it. And today’s action , even if fully enforced (which it won’t be, if history is any guide), would still allow more than 1.7 million illegal immigrants to enter our country every year with the approval of the Biden administration — on top of the one million immigrants who come here legally.

“Despite Joe Biden’s actions today, the invasion continues, putting the physical safety of our people at risk, leaving us wide open to the possibility of a new terrorist attack, and potentially jeopardizing the integrity of our elections.”