Tea Party Patriots Action Responds to Biden Admin Proposal Tracking All Transactions on Bank Accounts with More Than $600

ATLANTA, GA – Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement responding to news that the Biden Administration has proposed legislation that would require all banks to report to the IRS account information on bank accounts with a balance of $600 or more.
“The Biden Administration apparently wants to compound its previous failures by proposing legislation that would require all banks to report to the IRS account information on bank accounts with a balance of $600 or more, regardless of whether it is a personal or business account. That’s virtually every bank account in the country. This is a contemptible invasion of privacy that would affect almost every single American who has a bank account. The IRS has politically persecuted conservative organizations, including ours. Any plan to give that organization even more power to threaten and intimidate Americans must be resoundingly rejected, defeated, and never proposed again.”