Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to Split Supreme Court Rulings on Vaccine Mandates

ATLANTA, GA – Today, the Supreme Court overturned the Biden Administration’s OSHA vaccine mandate for private employers but upheld the CMS vaccine mandate for health care workers. Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement reacting to the Supreme Court rulings:
“The Supreme Court got it half-right today by overturning the Biden Administration’s OSHA vaccine mandate for private employers. That ruling is a massive win for the Constitution and the notion of limited and enumerated powers, and for freedom in America. However, the Court’s decision to uphold the CMS vaccine mandate for health care workers is still a significant blow to freedom. No one should lose his or her job over his or her vaccination status. The Supreme Court’s job is to defend Americans when our basic liberties are under attack. The Court failed the approximately 17 million Americans who are covered by the health care worker mandate.”