Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to Senate Vote to End Federal Vaccine Mandates

March 11, 2022
Atlanta, GA – On Thursday night, the Senate voted 50-49 to defeat a proposal by Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) to end federal Covid vaccine mandates. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement:
“We thank the 49 Senators who stood up for the millions of Americans who are impacted by the Biden Administration’s vaccine mandates. No American should have to choose between his or her job and taking a vaccine if they don’t want to. Vaccine mandates are a deplorable violation of every American’s right to make his or her healthcare decisions. We struggle to understand the logic of the 50 Senators who voted to keep these mandates, especially with Covid hospitalizations at record lows in many places. These mandates are really about government control, not public health – and that’s been clear for a long time. The fight against vaccine mandates – at the federal, state, and local levels, continues.”