Tea Party Patriots Action Opposes Today’s Vote to Impeach President Trump

Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin – responding to today’s vote in the House of Representatives to impeach President Trump – released the following statement:
“We oppose today’s action to impeach President Trump because we believe in the rule of law, and because we support the president’s right to speak freely, and because we do not believe that President Trump incited insurrection.
“The article of impeachment asserts that President Trump incited insurrection, without offering any specific evidence of language to incite. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in a 2018 case that ‘What is required to forfeit constitutional protection is incitement speech that specifically advocates for listeners to take unlawful action.’ The president did no such thing. What he did instead was to urge his listeners peaceably to petition our government for redress of specific grievances, which is not only lawful, but also foundational to our system of self-government.
“What unfolded at the Capitol by some rally attendees was shameful and unlawful conduct. It was clearly done despite what President Trump urged – the peaceful exercise of our Constitutional rights. To assign blame to the president for the criminal acts of certain people requires a gross distortion of the clear language he used.
“Further, the House is rushing to judgment. No hearings have been held, no witnesses have offered testimony, and no facts have been entered into the record.
“Moreover, we believe it is time to heal, and we believe this effort to impeach the president will only fuel further discord. This is not the way to unite us.
“Consequently, we oppose this effort to impeach the president, and urge its defeat.”