Mandated Community Masking for Airborne Respiratory Viruses

In response to the current CDC guideline recommending mask or respirator use over nose and mouth on public transportation for ages 2 and up, the Global Covid Summit Organization of over 18,000 verified Physicians and Scientists strongly recommends the permanent suspension of the federal mask mandates for all public transportation, airports and airplanes. The body of evidence is clear. Masks of all types are ineffective and potentially harmful. There has never been an instance during this pandemic where face coverings were appropriate tools within the Community to mitigate infection or viral spread. The potential harm includes lowering blood oxygen and raising carbon dioxide. These, among others referenced below, such as self and cross contamination, are important safety concerns particularly at high altitudes in close quarters. Industrial Hygiene experts in addition to Global Covid Summit scientists, have held this position from the outset and continue to oppose the government and CDC’s stance on this policy.
Stephen Petty, CIH, CSP, PE 45-year professional Facial coverings do not dilute, destroy or contain airborne hazards and are not considered by CDC or OSHA to be Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Even the new ASTM mask standard [ASTM F3502-21- Standard Specification for Barrier Face Coverings (BFCs)] states that masks are not PPE and are not protective; therefore, facial coverings are not part of the Industrial Hygiene (IH) Hierarchy of Controls. The primary mechanism for transmission declared by CDC (May 7, 2021) is through airborne aerosol particles and not, as previously stated, by fomite or respiratory droplets.
Kristen Meghan Kelly MS-OSH- Senior Industrial Hygienist Mask mandates are an improper control method both as source control and respiratory protection. Respirators go through NIOSH testing and approval. Masks provide a false sense of protection and contribute to self and cross contamination due to lack of proper ratings for use and improper use by the untrained. Historically, masks are used for nuisance dust and debris along with large droplets of spit and sputum. For an airborne infectious disease, there are adequate control methods that could be implemented with higher risk reduction ratings via engineering controls and proper respiratory protection like powered air purifying respirators (PAPR).
Tammy Clark, OES professional and pilot Masking children in school is wrong and potentially harmful by restricting gaseous exchange via inability to breath freely and uninterrupted. Additionally, it violates OSHA’s own PPE and Respiratory Standards. These standards were created to assure proper breathing. By restricting breathing, it violates the basic tenants in the field of IH and OEHS whose job is to protect, and not cause harm.