AG Sessions Has Proven to be One of Pres. Trump’s Most Loyal & Effective Cabinet Secretaries

ATLANTA , GA – Tea Party Patriots President and co-founder Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement today following Attorney Jeff Sessions’ press conference announcing an investigation of leaks.
“Attorney General Jeff Sessions has proven to be one of President Trump’s most loyal and effective Cabinet secretaries. Today’s announcement of an investigation into damaging leaks that have harmed our national security is just the latest example of how AG Sessions is proving to be an effective Attorney General. The list of accomplishments AG Sessions has helped President Trump achieve is long and distinguished. He helped the President achieve his greatest – and potentially longest lasting and most deeply impactful – success to date: the confirmation of Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. AG Sessions has stepped up enforcement aimed at stopping illegal immigration and statistics show that under the leadership of President Trump, the number of illegal immigrants trying to cross our southern border has dropped markedly. He has also taken a tough stance against so-called ‘sanctuary cities’ that refuse to abide by the law, making it clear that cities who defy our immigration laws will find their access to federal grants at risk. President Trump has few allies that are more loyal and effective than Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Tea Party Patriots will continue to do what we can to support the Department of Justice’s efforts to ensure all of our laws are followed.”