After an Impressive Opening in Theaters, Feature-Length Documentary Innovation Race Launches on SalemNOW

Compelling and Bold Award-Winning Film Proclaims that Protecting Patents and Intellectual Property Is Essential to Protecting our Freedoms
“China is threatening American innovation and national security by exploiting weaknesses in U.S. patent protection, and Big Tech is letting them get away with it.” – Brig. Gen. (USAF Ret) Robert Spalding
Atlanta, GA – On the heels of an impressive debut in theaters across the nation, feature-length documentary INNOVATION RACE is available for purchase exclusively on SalemNOW.
View the trailer here:
“SalemNOW is a perfect place for us to begin sharing INNOVATION RACE,” shares filmmaker Luke Livingston. “Their audience has proven that they care about protecting our freedoms, supporting small business, and inspiring innovation. As more people view the film, they are motivated to put skin in the game and help protect inventors by strengthening patents.”
INNOVATION RACE boldly explores the imminent threat of China exploiting weaknesses in U.S. patent protection and presents solutions for restoring our dominance in innovation, technology, and invention.
Robert Ellis, General Manager of SalemNOW states, “When we heard about INNOVATION RACE, we knew we wanted to share this timely and essential message with our audience. The consequences of American citizens being uninformed on these issues is staggering and we hope to shine a bright light on both the issues and the solutions.”
INNOVATION RACE shares a timely, dire warning of China’s commitment to using the weaknesses in our patent systems against us and features interviews with key leaders from both sides of the aisle. While the film feels like the plot to a blockbuster political thriller, INNOVATION RACE exposes why patent protection matters to all Americans and is a dire reminder that there is no prize for second place.
Protection of inventions and intellectual property is guaranteed in Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution yet these safeguards were weakened in 2011 after the America Invents Act passed. This opened up loopholes that have been exploited not only by China, but also Big Tech. There is an immediate need to amend this piece of legislation or our country faces long-term consequences in the national security arena, on the economic front, and even in a terrifying loss of freedoms.
INNOVATION RACE is available to stream through SalemNOW. Please see InnovationRaceMovie.com for more information.