Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 10/12/20 – What to do when Facebook, Twitter, and the rest of them shut down conversations about election fraud … what’s up with the debates? … will we see m…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 10/12/20 – What to do when Facebook, Twitter, and the…

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Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 10/05/20 – Today on Tea Party Patriots Action’s Lunchbreak Live: both House and Senate have adjourned, but does that mean our wallets are really safe?… Speaker…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 10/05/20 – Today on Tea Party Patriots Action’s Lunchbreak Live:…

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Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 09/14/20 – Hold on to your wallets — the House and Senate are both back in town for the first time in months … Senate Republicans try to pass a coronavirus rel…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 09/14/20 – Hold on to your wallets — the House…

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Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 08/31/20 – Wait. What? The FBI had a double standard when it came to its treatment of the Clinton and Trump campaigns in 2016? Sen. Lindsey Graham thinks so — an…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 08/31/20 – Wait. What? The FBI had a double standard…

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Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 08/03/20 – So much to cover. We organized the America’s Frontline Doctor Summit last week and made hydroxychloroquine trend. Learn what went on in the background…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 08/03/20 – So much to cover. We organized the America’s…

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Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 07/20/20 – Today on Tea Party Patriots Action’s Lunchbreak Live: House and Senate are both back in session, so man’s life, liberty, or property is safe … wit…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 07/20/20 – Today on Tea Party Patriots Action’s Lunchbreak Live:…

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