Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 4/12/21 – House and Senate return to Washington from a two-week recess, so guard your wallets … House Dems backtrack on their efforts to steal a House seat … a…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 4/12/21 – House and Senate return to Washington from a…

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Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 3/15/21 – Conservatives in the House of Representatives are not at all happy with the way Democrats are running things, and bring House proceedings to a screeching…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 3/15/21 – Conservatives in the House of Representatives are not…

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Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 3/8/21 – House Democrats pass their “For the Politicians” election bill and send it to the Senate — but will it stop there? … the House continues to steamr…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 3/8/21 – House Democrats pass their “For the Politicians” election…

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Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 12/21/20 – Congressional Democrats and Republicans stumble their way to a spending deal just in time for Christmas — but will they leave lumps of coal in our sto…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 12/21/20 – Congressional Democrats and Republicans stumble their way to…

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Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 12/14/20 – Will Congress pass a spending bill in time to get out of town for Christmas, and will it include a new round of coronavirus relief? … Will President T…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 12/14/20 – Will Congress pass a spending bill in time…

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Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 10/19/20 – Today on Tea Party Patriots Action’s Lunchbreak Live: The annual deficit for FY2020 is in, and it’s a whopper … new emails from Joe Biden’s son …

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 10/19/20 – Today on Tea Party Patriots Action’s Lunchbreak Live:…

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