Today on Tea Party Patriots Action’s Lunchbreak Live: Will infrastructure talks ever come to an end? … Rep. Omar insults Israel and the U.S. again … massive IRS leak (hack?) reveals that some bi…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Today on Tea Party Patriots Action’s Lunchbreak Live: Will infrastructure talks ever come to an end?…

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Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 6/14/21 – Will infrastructure talks ever come to an end? … Rep. Omar insults Israel and the U.S. again … massive IRS leak (hack?) reveals that some billionaire…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 6/14/21 – Will infrastructure talks ever come to an end?…

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Today on Tea Party Patriots Action’s Lunchbreak Live: Will infrastructure talks ever come to an end? … Rep. Omar insults Israel and the U.S. again … massive IRS leak (hack?) reveals that some bi…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Today on Tea Party Patriots Action’s Lunchbreak Live: Will infrastructure talks ever come to an end?…

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United We Stand

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by…

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Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 4/12/21 – House and Senate return to Washington from a two-week recess, so guard your wallets … House Dems backtrack on their efforts to steal a House seat … a…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 4/12/21 – House and Senate return to Washington from a…

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