Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 06/29/20 – The House passes a police reform bill, but Senate Democrats block the Senate from similar action — is that the end for police reform in this Congress?…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 06/29/20 – The House passes a police reform bill, but…

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Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 06/01/20 – FISA reauthorization runs into a brick wall in the House … the House enters a new era with proxy voting, but Republicans aren’t so sure that’s a g…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 06/01/20 – FISA reauthorization runs into a brick wall in…

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Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 05/18/20 – DOJ drops its prosecution of Gen. Flynn, but will the judge let him off? … House Intel releases 6,000 pages of interview transcripts that buttress the…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 05/18/20 – DOJ drops its prosecution of Gen. Flynn, but…

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Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 04/20/20 – Declassified footnotes reveal the FBI was warned the Steele Dossier was part of a Russian intelligence disinformation operation — but they ignored the…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 04/20/20 – Declassified footnotes reveal the FBI was warned the…

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Trump Coronavirus Response

MAIN PAGEDOWNLOAD THIS TIMELINEDECEMBERJANUARYFEBRUARYMARCH[icon_timeline timeline_line_style="solid" timeline_line_color="#000000" time_block_bg_color="#000000" tl_animation="tl-animation-slide-up" timeline_margin="margin-top:20px;margin-bottom:20px;"][icon_timeline_item time_title="March 3, 2020" title_font_size="desktop:20px;" title_line_height="desktop:24px;" title_font_color="#fbf44b" desc_font_size="desktop:15px;" desc_line_height="desktop:19px;" desc_font_color="#ffffff"]At the direction of the White House, CDC lifts restrictions for virus testing.…Read More