Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 06/15/20 – The Senate Judiciary Committee votes to authorize subpoenas of Comey, Clapper, Rice, and others, as Chairman Graham revs up his probe into the origins o…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 06/15/20 – The Senate Judiciary Committee votes to authorize subpoenas…

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What Xi Knew and When He Knew It

The Coronavirus, or as some call it the Wuhan Virus, originated in China. The steps that the Chinese Communist Party took to suppress information and their authoritarian manipulation of data…

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Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 04/06/20 – DOJ IG Horowitz releases his audit of FBI FISA warrant applications, and it’s not pretty … might it help FISA-reform-minded senators? … Speaker Pe…

Connect on Facebook Share Visit Our Page Donate Powered by the Simple Social Press Tea Party Patriots Lunchbreak LIVE – 04/06/20 – DOJ IG Horowitz releases his audit of FBI…

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Socialism and Coronavirus

The current Coronavirus crisis has many progressives decrying capitalism as having failed the masses in their time of need. The lack of readily available toilet paper rolls and empty shelves…

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