TPPCF Endorses Lee Zeldin for Governor of New York

ATLANTA, Ga. – Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund (TPPCF) Chairman Jenny Beth Martin today released the following statement, announcing that the Super PAC associated with the nation’s largest Tea Party group has endorsed Lee Zeldin for Governor of New York:
“Lee Zeldin has a proven track record as a strong conservative. He is committed to personal freedom, economic freedom, and a debt-free future.
“He understands that you cannot exercise individual liberty if you’re in fear of violent crime. Liberal policies – like ending cash bail in all but the most violent cases, a decision taken under the Cuomo Administration – have led to a surge in violent crime in New York. Lee has committed to hiring additional police officers statewide and giving judges discretion when setting bail. He is determined to remove District Attorneys who don’t enforce the law, and he will reform the parole process.
“Lee wants to repeal New York’s infamous ‘Green Light’ law, which allows illegal immigrants to obtain New York driver’s licenses and prevents federal officials from accessing the state’s DMV records without a search warrant. In practice, this law prevents law enforcement from doing its job, and he is right to want it repealed.
“He has fought Kathy Hochul and Joe Biden on illegal immigration, demanding that they take action to stop the influx of illegal immigrants – including the Biden Administration’s secret middle-of-the-night flights to transport illegal immigrants into New York airports.
“Lee is a champion for healthcare freedom. He fought the liberal Democrats’ liberty-stealing and job-killing vaccine and mask mandates, whether they were issued by Joe Biden, Andrew Cuomo, Kathy Hochul, or Bill de Blasio, and he wants to let New Yorkers go on with their lives.
“Consequently, on behalf of Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, I am pleased to endorse Lee Zeldin for governor, and I urge all voters in New York to make a plan to be a voter for him in the November general election.”
Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund is committed to equipping grassroots activists at the state and local level with the tools and resources needed to hold elected officials and government accountable and elect new and qualified candidates. For more information, visit www.teapartypatriotscitizensfund.com