We Support Jeff Sessions

We support Attorney General Jeff Sessions and believe he is the right man, and the best man, to lead the Justice Department at this time.
Senator and now Attorney General Jeff Sessions has been a loyal, highly visible, and early supporter of President Trump and his policy agenda. He is a principled conservative leader who has demonstrated integrity and excellence throughout his public career. He has already led the Department of Justice to correcting wrong-headed direction in many, many areas. While all conservatives are not in agreement with all his decisions, we respect that he has undertaken many reforms with very few colleagues in the Department who were similarly supportive of President Trump from the very early days. To lose his leadership would be disastrous for the President’s policy agenda.
The President’s frustration with the distinctly partisan investigation into his family is understandable and appropriate. The opacity of the process, the politically motivated leaks, and the lack of a crime to investigate characterize this effort as little more than a specious attempt to discredit the president and his family members. President Trump is right to be outraged.
Though the President’s displeasure with the investigation may be understandable, a move to replace Jeff Sessions as Attorney General would not be.
Senator Sessions stood for the very principles that propelled the President into office – among them a commitment to a secure border, the rule of law, and strengthening American families and Attorney General Sessions is best equipped to carry these principles forward at the Justice Department.
As Attorney General, Jeff Sessions has fearlessly executed President Trump’s agenda, implementing policies to strengthen the border, enforcing federal immigration laws in sanctuary cities and taking actions against criminal gangs of illegal immigrants who have been preying on our most vulnerable Americans. No one in the Trump administration has shown more commitment to president’s principles than Sessions – he continues to be a loyal ally of the president, and of the people who elected him. The President should direct the proper authority at DOJ to clarify and focus the scope of the Special Counsel. *
The Honorable Edwin Meese III Former Attorney General President Ronald Reagan |
The Honorable Becky Norton Dunlop Chairman, Conservative Action Project Former White House Advisor, President Ronald Reagan |
The Honorable T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr. Former Counselor US Attorney General |
The Honorable Tony Perkins MPA President, Family Research Council President, Council for National Policy |
The Honorable Colin A. Hanna President Let Freedom Ring, Inc. |
William L. Walton Chairman CNP Action, Inc. |
David Bozell President ForAmerica |
Diana Banister President and Partner Shirley & Banister Public Affairs |
The Honorable Jim DeMint U.S. Senate Former Member, South Carolina |
The Honorable Bob McEwen U.S. House of Representatives Former Member, Ohio |
Ed Corrigan Former Executive Director Senate Steering Committee |
The Honorable J. Kenneth Blackwell Chairman Constitutional Congress, Inc. |
L. Brent Bozell, III Founder and President Media Research Center |
Cleta Mitchell, Esq. |
Rebecca Hagelin Board of Directors, FamilyTalk Secretary, Council for National Policy |
Gary Marx Senior Advisor Judicial Crisis Network |
Lou Cordia President, Cordia & Associates, and Executive Director of President Reagan’s Alumni Association |
George Landrith President Frontiers of Freedom |
Donna Hearne Chief Executive Officer The Constitutional Coalition |
Tricia Erickson President, Angel Pictures & Publicity, Inc. Publisher, www.TheConservativePundit.net |
The Honorable James C. Miller III Budget Director for President Reagan, 1985-1988 President Reagan’s OMB |
Michael P. Farris President, CEO, & General Counsel Alliance Defending Freedom |
Elaine Donnelly President Center for Military Readiness |
Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D. Washington Bureau Chief Infowars.com |
Anne Schlafly Cori Chairman Eagle Forum |
James L. Martin Founder/Chairman 60 Plus Association |
Marcia G. Taylor CEO/President Bennett International Group, LLC |
Kristen K. Waggoner Senior Vice President of US Legal Division and General Counsel, Arizona Alliance Defending Freedom |
Joe R. Calvert President Rabon-Calvert Interests |
Jack Park Conservative Activist and Donor |
Robert D. Thompson Former Administrator The Weyrich Lunch |
Matt Mackowiak Executive Director Fight for Tomorrow |
C. Preston Noell III President Tradition, Family, Property, Inc. |
Kevin Freeman Founder NSIC Institute |
Tim Wildmon President American Family Association |
Kelly Monroe Kullberg President America Conservancy |
Karen England Executive Director Capitol Resource Institute, Nevada Family Alliance |
Patrick A. Trueman President National Center on Sexual Exploitation |
Michael Costigan Advisory Board National Center for the Prevention of Community Violence |
Martha Boneta Executive Vice President Citizens for the Republic |
Maggie Briones Movieguide |
Belden Bell Co-Chair Heritage Legacy Society |
Michael K. Taylor Retired Bennett International Group, LLC |
Ann Quest Volunteer/PAC Treasurer Dallas Eagle Forum |
James O’Hickey Member Council for National Policy |
Don Woodsmall CEO The Perfect Man Campaign |
Richard Wright President R&S LLC |
Robert K. Fischer Meeting Coordinator Conservatives of Faith |
George Rasley Managing Editor ConservativeHQ.com |
Tim LeFever Chairman Capitol Resource Institute |
Gary L. Bauer President American Values |
The Honorable Michael R. Long State Chairman NYS Conservative Party |
Richard G. Lee President There’s Hope America |
Ron Robinson President Young America’s Foundation |
Ginni Thomas President Liberty Consulting |
Vivian DuBose Pres/CEO Noble Properties, Inc. |
Alan P. Dye Senior Partner Webster, Chamberlain & Bean |
Craig Shirley Reagan Biographer and Historian |
Morton Blackwell Chairman The Weyrich Lunch |
Frank J. Gaffney President Center for Security Policy |
Caroline Camden Lewis Owner Percipio Communications |
The Honorable Terrence Scanlon Retired President and Chairman Capital Research Center |
Mark Fitzgibbons President of Corporate Affairs American Target Advertising, Inc. |
Roxanne Phillips Executive Committee Council National Policy |
Jenny Beth Martin President Tea Party Patriots |
Lewis K. Uhler President National Tax Limitation Committee |
Ralph Benko Columnist |
Becky Gerritson President Wetumpka TEA Party (AL) |
The Honorable Ken Cuccinelli President Senate Conservatives Fund |
Rosina Kovar National Board Member Eagle Forum |
James Edwards Independent Consultant Conservative and Business Clients |
Jason Jones President Serviam USA |
Bob Adams President Revive America PAC |
Carol Rebandt Retired Legal Assistant |
Terry T. Campo President YR Alumni Network, Inc. |
Linwood Bragan Executive Director CapStand Council for Policy & Ethics |
Eunie Smith President Eagle Forum |
James N. Clymer Vice President Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund |
The Honorable Penny Pullen President Life Advocacy Resource Project |
Richard A. Viguerie Chairman Conservative HQ.Com |
Christopher Malagisi Editor in Chief Conservative Book Club |
Richard P. Bott, II President/CEO Bott Radio Network |
Samuel B. Casey Managing Director & General Counsel Jubilee Campaign |
The Honorable Woody Jenkins Editor, Capital City News, BatonRouge Former Member, Louisiana House |
Quin Hillyer Veteran Conservative Columnist National Review Online |
Kay R. Daly President Coalition for a Fair Judiciary |
Raymond J. LaJeunesse, Jr. Vice President & Legal Director National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation |
John Bradburne Consultant Bradburne Consulting, LLC |
David Donaldson Chairman CauseFirst & CityServe International |
William Pascoe Managing Partner Antietam Communications |
Jon Gibson CEO Jon Gibson Company |
Alyse Lo Bianco Author |
Ralph A. Rebandt II Senior Pastor Oakland Hills Community Church |
Dean Nelson Chairman Frederick Douglass Foundation |
Wade Kirby Director of Development Great Swamp Watershed Association |
Allen Unruh President A. Unruh Chiropractic Clinic PC |
Tammy Kobza State Director Phyllis Schlafly Eagles of Iowa |
Elaine D. Little Vice President Eagle Forum of Alabama |
Peter J. Thomas Chairman The Conservative Caucus |
Lisa Calvert Christian Speaker Rabon Calvert Interests |
Melvin Adams Former President RENEWANATION |
Susan Carleson Chairman/CEO American Civil Rights Union |
James C. Dobson Ph.D. Founder & President Family Talk |
Richard Manning President Americans for Limited Government |
Emmett McGroarty Senior Fellow American Principles Project |
Allen Hebert Chairman American-Chinese Fellowship of Houston |
Nick Logan CEO Cornerstone Payment System |
Anthony Saliba CEO Saliba Venture Management |
David A. Keene Editor at Large The Washington Times |
Penny Young Nance CEO and President Concerned Women for America |
Steven Berger Pastor Grace Chapel |
Terrance Wear President, The Poseidon Group Captain, USNR (Ret.) |
Donna Rice Hughes CEO/President Enough is Enough |
Carolee Adams President Eagle Forum of New Jersey |
Tim Macy Chairman Gun Owners of America |
The Honorable John Di Marco Executive Director Right Direction Organization |
Mike Sanfilippo Retired |
Susan W. Winton Retired Wyckoff Republican League |
Rev. Gregory Quinlan President Center for Garden State Families |
Nancy Burwell |
Suzanne Scholte President Defense Forum Foundation |
Rosa Perez Leonetti Educator SGP |
Christina K. F. Jeffrey Ex Wofford College Adjunct Prof |
Dr. Virginia Armstrong National Chairman Eagle Forum’s Court Watch |
Kurt Dinkelmeyer Retired Attorney Montville, NJ Tea Party |
The Honorable Diana Denman Owner, Denman Quartermaster, US Army (Ret.) |
Kenneth F. Boehm Chairman National Legal and Policy Center |
Ron Pearson Director Conservative Victory Fund |
Sherry Silk Chaplain Sarah Leah Ministries |
Cindy Honcoop State Director Washington Eagle Forum |
Arthur Lavis | Susan Tovey Retired |
(All organizations listed for IDENTIFICATION purposes only)
* Updates may be made to text