Veterans Affairs paper-records system penalizing private doctors who pick up the ball when the VA drops it
The seemingly endless stream of scandals and misconduct coming out of President Obama’s Veteran Affairs department is sickening. The latest travesty revolves around the reimbursement documentation private healthcare providers who take care of veteran patients otherwise neglected by the VA have to file to be compensated for services – a process that moves slower than molasses!
The Daily Caller has the story:
The House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs wrote to VA Under Secretary of Health David J. Shulkin May 24 saying TheDCNF’s findings were consistent with what the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found across the department’s entire operation for paying private doctors who treat veterans when they can’t get timely treatment at a government facility.
The VA system forces such doctors and other care providers to file anywhere from 25 to 75 pages of documentation in order to be reimbursed. The documentation must be filed in paper format. VA employees then feed the pages into consumer-grade scanners that only take a few pages at a time.
Snail mail is also used to communicate with the doctors about the reimbursements. Doctors often say they never get the letters.
Doctors should never be penalized for providing our veterans with the care they need! Click here to get involved and help Tea Party Patriots demand our leaders treat our men and women in uniform like the jewels they are!