VA whistleblower slams former U.S. senator for ignoring memo outlining ‘veteran harm’

Former Veterans Affairs employee Ryan Honl is criticizing former U.S. Senator Russ Feingold for allegedly sitting on a memo in 2009 documenting veteran abuses at a Wisconsin-area VA.
Ryan Honl, a former Tomah VA employee who filed a complaint about the opiate prescription problem and other issues with the Office of the Inspector General for U.S. Veterans Affairs in September 2014, is featured prominently in the ad [recently released by libertarian-leaning Freedom Partners Action Fund].
Honl criticizes Feingold for not responding to a April 17, 2009 memo sent out by the American Federation of Government Employees, which outlined many of the problems later reported by the Inspector General. On the memo featured in the ad, the words “hand-delivered to Congressman Kind, Congressman Obey, Senator Feingold” are written out in ink by AFGE Local 0007 President Lin Ellinghuysen.
“I found out that Russ Feingold got a memo in 2009 that outlined veteran harm and nothing was done. Russ Feingold ignored veteran’s concerns while veterans we’re dying at the facility,” says Honl in the ad.
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