TPPCF Endorses Jim Marchant for Secretary of State

ATLANTA, Ga. – Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund (TPPCF) Chairman Jenny Beth Martin today released the following statement, announcing that the Super PAC associated with the nation’s largest Tea Party group has endorsed Jim Marchant for Secretary of State of Nevada.
“Jim Marchant has been a technology leader in the private sector and has served in the Nevada legislature, where he was a strong conservative. He knows what it is to represent constituents, and he has shown his determination to defend and promote the Tea Party values of personal freedom, economic freedom, and a debt free future.
“He is committed to securing our elections, so that we can all have confidence in the outcome of our elections and know that our government truly rests on the consent of the governed.
“Consequently, on behalf of Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, I am pleased to endorse Jim Marchant for Secretary of State of Nevada, and I urge all voters in Nevada to make a plan to be a voter for him in the November general election.”