TPPCF Congratulates Ted Budd on His Victory in North Carolina’s U.S. Senate Race

ATLANTA, Ga. – Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund (TPPCF) Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement today congratulating Ted Budd on his victory in North Carolina’s U.S. Senate race.
“On behalf of our millions of members and supporters, Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund congratulates Ted Budd on his victory in North Carolina’s U.S. Senate race. “Ted Budd has shown himself to be a strong conservative. As a member of the House Freedom Caucus, he is committed to the Tea Party values of personal freedom, economic freedom, and a debt free future. He will take that House Freedom Caucus approach to limited government with him to the Senate, where he will fight for limited government and individual liberty.
“He opposes President Biden’s illegal student loan payoff scheme. More than a year ago, he launched and led an effort to prevent the Biden Administration from undertaking this illegal action.
“He is a strong supporter of term limits, and cosponsored H.J.Res. 12, a proposed amendment to the Constitution to enact term limits for members of the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate.
“He wants to finish building the border wall and has gone so far as to call out his fellow Republicans for supporting government funding bills that contained no money for building it. He knows that without a secure border, the drug cartels will continue to destroy lives on both sides of the border.“He opposes the reckless spending that has led to the worst inflation in 40 years, and he supports reducing taxes and cutting regulations to incentivize economic growth.
“We thank North Carolina voters for making the right choice, and we look forward to working with Senator-elect Budd to promote and implement government policies that will enhance personal freedom and economic freedom, and lead to a debt-free future.”