Study: Obamacare forcing people to take part-time jobs
Obamacare: It’s the silent job killer as more and more part-time jobs than full-time positions start popping up in local communities. Whether it’s the 35-hours-a-week posting for a new church secretary or 35-hours-a-week instead of 40 at the local coffee shop, hundreds of thousands of Americans nationwide are feeling the Obamacare pinch, according to a recent study from Goldman Sachs.
The Washington Examiner has the details:
In a research note sent out Wednesday, bank economist Alec Phillips concluded that “the evidence suggests that the [Affordable Care Act] has at least modestly elevated involuntary part-time employment.” He wrote that a “few hundred thousand” workers may have had their hours cut or been forced to take part-time jobs because of the law.
Goldman Sachs’ analysis is the latest conduct on the contentious topic of the healthcare law and part-time work, and its findings largely back up what other studies have revealed, Phillips wrote. The bank weighed in on the question after involuntary part-time work rose sharply in recent months.
Obamacare is thought to incentivize part-time work through several means. One is that employers with more than 50 full-time workers face penalties if they do not provide health insurance coverage, giving them a reason to cut hours or avoid hiring new workers if they are near the 50 employee level.
Obamacare is sapping Americans of their ability to provide for their families and bring innovation and their unique skillsets to the marketplace. It’s time for Obamacare to go the way of the closed health-insurance exchanges. Click here to help Tea Party Patriots urge Congress to repeal Obamacare – ASAP!