Republican Sen. Ron Johnson: There is a ‘simple fix’ to cities disregarding federal immigration law

As Democrats continue to defend sanctuary cities, local law-enforcement officials suffer from liability lawsuits – something that needs to be addressed says Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) adding there is a “pretty simple fix” to the sanctuary-city tug-of-wars raging across the country.
The Washington Times has the details:
“Let’s pass a law to give those local law enforcement officials liability protection,” the Wisconsin Republican and chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee said. “That could clear up this whole difference.”
Sanctuary cities vary in their degree of refusal to cooperate with federal deportation efforts. Some communities are eager to defy the federal government, while others are reluctant, saying they would cooperate but either local courts or their local government lawyers have said they incur liability by detaining immigrants for federal agents.