Oklahoma Obamacare premiums to skyrocket

Oklahoma (the Sooner State) residents who purchased Obamacare will soon face, on average, a more than 75 percent increase to their health-insurance premiums — a reality that’s unlikely to drive any more brave souls to stake their claim in the state-run healthcare exchanges.
The Washington Examiner has the details:
Oklahoma’s Insurance Department said on Tuesday that increases in individual marketplace plans will range from 58 percent to 96 percent.
“These jaw-dropping increases make it clear that Oklahoma’s exchange is on life support,” said Insurance Commissioner John Doak, in a statement. “Health insurers are losing massive amounts of money. If they don’t raise rates they’ll go out of business. This system has been doomed from the beginning.”
Oklahoma is one of five states to only have one Obamacare insurer in 2017, joining South Carolina, Alaska, Alabama and Wyoming. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma will be the only insurer for state residents.
As Oklahomans’ exchange experience demonstrates, the “sooner” we put an end to Obamacare the better. Click here to help Tea Party Patriots urge lawmakers to fully repeal Obamacare before it takes anymore Americans to the cleaners!