Martin: Senate Should Swiftly Confirm Scott Pruitt to be EPA Administrator

Washington, DC – Tea Party Patriots President and co-founder Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement today, reacting to the confirmation hearing of EPA Administrator-designate Scott Pruitt.

“Today, Scott Pruitt showed the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and the nation as a whole why he will be such an effective EPA Administrator once he is confirmed. As Oklahoma’s Attorney General and as a state senator, Mr. Pruitt developed a reputation for fighting the EPA’s unconstitutional over-regulation under President Obama, which harmed our economy and killed badly-needed jobs. Scott Pruitt has a demonstrated commitment to protecting our environment and a no-nonsense approach to stopping the anti-business, job-killing agenda the EPA has pursued under President Obama. We call on the Senate to swiftly confirm Scott Pruitt so he can begin taking care of the American people’s business.”
