Johnson credits Trump’s rhetoric for decline in illegal immigrants crossing border

Former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said Thursday that the decreasing number of illegal immigrants crossing the southwestern U.S. border is partly due to President Trump’s rhetoric.
The Washington Examiner has the story:
While working for former President Barack Obama, Johnson and other officials worked for years to reduce illegal immigration after the 2014 border crisis that saw thousands of unaccompanied children try to enter the country. Illegal immigration fell in 2015 after the Obama administration worked closely with Central American countries in an effort to get their help in reducing the flow of people, but it rose again in 2016, Obama’s last full year in office.
Under Trump, the flow of illegal immigrants fell immediately, which most chalked up to Trump’s tougher policy position on immigration, which included new direction to DHS that said agents need to look to deport anyone who enters illegally.
Johnson said under Obama, officials looked to deport only the most dangerous immigrants. But Johnson said he believes Obama’s policy was “humane,” and said he hoped the Trump administration would approach the problem the same way.
While a decreasing number of illegal immigrants are coming over the border, the U.S. still has a ongoing problem with illegal immigrants who are already living in our country. Please click here to urge lawmakers in Washington to protect our borders and enforce the laws already on the books!