Hillary Clinton lied, didn’t turn over all her emails, FBI finds

Officials at the Federal Bureau of Investigation discovered an additional 15,000 emails Hillary Clinton never turned over despite the former secretary of state’s insistence she had turned over every work-related email transmitted on her homebrew server when serving under President Obama.
The Washington Times has the story:
The Obama administration revealed the messages in a court hearing Monday.
The 14,900 emails are just part of thousands the FBI has turned over, after it took control of Mrs. Clinton’s secret email server.
The State Department said it will begin to process them and release them, though it could take months to put them all out, leaving the public in the dark about some of them until after the election.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has no excuse for failing to hand over these emails. Lesser public figures would be disciplined for so recklessly handling national secrets via an unsecured server. Click here to get involved and help Tea Party Patriots hold crooked government officials accountable!