HHS Secretary Tom Price: ‘We need our physicians to be patient-facing, not computer-facing’
Raise your hand if you’ve been to see a medical provider in recent years and been disappointed he or she spent more time behind a computer than interacting with you? Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Tom Price this week on behalf of the Trump administration says he hopes to change that by lifting the regulatory burdens that too often come between patients and their medical professionals, specifically regulations that pertain to information technology.
“We simply have to do a better job of reducing the burden of health IT on physicians and other providers,” said Price, speaking at the Health Datapalooza conference in Washington, D.C., on Thursday.Price, a former orthopedic surgeon and Republican congressman from Georgia, has been a frequent critic of certain government regulations that he says get in the way of doctors and their patients. At the conference he laid out several principles he said would guide the Trump administration on health IT and electronic medical records, saying the administration was committed to promoting the exchange of medical information between providers…“Data is absolutely crucial, don’t misunderstand me,” he said. “It is absolutely vital that we have all the data that we can and we use it in an evidenced-based manner so that we can provide better care and better quality of care to patients. But we need our physicians to be patient-facing, not computer-facing, which is what may of them feel they are right now … they feel like they have been turned into data-entry clerks.”
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