Call to thank your senators for giving us a voice in the direction of the Supreme Court!

President Obama is trying to bully the Senate into confirming Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court as part of his plan to stack the Court with a liberal majority that will undermine our most cherished rights. Merrick Garland would be the fifth vote on the Supreme Court to gut our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms and empower unaccountable bureaucrats at agencies like the IRS and EPA – he must be stopped! Even the liberal New York Times admits a Supreme Court with Merrick Garland would be “the most liberal in decades.”
Fortunately, Senate Republicans, led by Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), are holding firm and insisting they will not hold hearings or confirm a liberal nominee put forward by President Obama. These Republican senators are under attack from the White House, Senate Democrats and their liberal allies who want a liberal majority on the Supreme Court to undermine our rights and shift even more power to the federal government and the unaccountable bureaucrats who run it.
We need to make sure that Senate Republicans hold firm against President Obama’s plan to create a Supreme Court dominated by liberal, activist judges! Please take a moment to CALL or send a message via social media to the Republican senators listed below and thank them for standing up to President Obama’s plan to stack the Supreme Court with liberals!
Senator | State | Phone | Tweet |
Mitch McConnell | KY | (502) 582-6304 | @SenateMajLdr |
John Cornyn | TX | 512-469-6034 | @johncornyn |
John Thune | SD | (605) 334-9596 | @SenJohnThune |
John Barrasso | WY | 307-772-2451 | @SenJohnBarrasso |
Roy Blunt | MO | (314) 725-4484 | @RoyBlunt |
Jeff Sessions | AL | (205) 731-1500 | @SenatorSessions |
Orrin Hatch | UT | (801) 524-4380 | @SenOrrinHatch |
Chuck Grassley | IA | 515-288-1145 | @ChuckGrassley |
David Vitter | LA | (225) 383-0331 | @DavidVitter |
David Perdue | GA | (404) 865-0087 | @SenDavidPerdue |
Ron Johnson | WI | (414) 276-7282 | @SenRonJohnson |
Rob Portman | OH | 216-522-7095 | @SenRobPortman |
Kelly Ayotte | NH | (603) 880-3335 | @KellyAyotte |
Senate Republicans are under intense pressure to cave to President Obama and his liberal allies, so please help us defend the Supreme Court! You can become a Tea Party Patriots Supreme Court Defender today! Go to our Supreme Court Defenders page and join us on the front lines to protect our most cherished rights and values!
However, while some in the Senate are holding firm there are others who need to know that we will not stand for another liberal Justice on the Supreme Court that would seek to erode our constitutional rights. It’s time these lawmakers felt the heat! Call these senators now and demand they stop shoving President Obama’s activist Supreme Court nominee down our throat! Our liberty is on the line and now is the time to act and call our senators.
Senator | State | Phone | Tweet |
Joe Manchin | WV | (304) 342-5855 | @Sen_JoeManchin |
Mark Kirk | IL | (312) 886-3506 | @SenatorKirk |
Susan Collins | AK | (207) 780-3575 | @SenatorCollins |
Joe Donnelly | IN | (317) 226-5555 | @SenDonnelly |
Heidi Heitkamp | ND | (701) 258-4648 | @SenatorHeitkamp |
Michael Bennet | CO | (303) 455-7600 | @SenBennetCO |