Tea Party Patriots holds press conference in front of the Supreme Court

As part of our ongoing activities to protect the Supreme Court from another liberal who will rubber-stamp President Obama’s agenda, Tea Party Patriots held a demonstration and press conference on April 18th in front of the Supreme Court.
Our protest outside the Supreme Court was well-timed and coincided with the oral arguments being heard by the Court in the challenge to President Obama’s illegal and unilateral executive amnesty — an issue that we have consistently opposed. Our presence outside the Court was an important opportunity for us to highlight why Americans want the next president to fill the Supreme Court vacancy, while also standing up for the rule of law in the immigration debate.
Following the press conference, Tea Party Patriots’ supporters then headed inside the Senate office buildings to hand-deliver our “Save Our Constitution” petition to Senators, all of which were signed by the Senators’ constituents. Our petitions garnered tens of thousands of signatures and enabled us to send a powerful message to the Senate that Americans overwhelmingly want a voice in this process and support waiting until after the elections to fill this vacancy.
This type of in-person activism is far and away the most effective engagement tool we have in our grassroots toolbox, and we will continue to organize activism opportunities in Washington, D.C. and across the country in the coming months.
If you were unable to join us at the Supreme Court, but would like to be involved in defending the Supreme Court, please visit www.supremecourtdefenders.com to sign up to be part of our elite corps of volunteer activists committed to defending and protecting the Supreme Court.