Aides, State Department officials tied to Hillary Clinton email scandal facing deposition

Conservative watchdog Judicial Watch this week begins a series of interviews with numerous aides and State Department officials tied to Hillary Clinton when she was serving as secretary of state, including deposing Bryan Pagliano – the information technology specialist who managed Clinton’s email system – and Huma Abedin, who was Clinton’s then-right-hand-woman when Clinton began using a private, unencrypted email server to transmit state secrets.
The Daily Caller has the scoop:
The interviews were granted earlier this month by U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan, who is handling Judicial Watch’s lawsuit for records pertaining to Abedin’s employment at the State Department.
The State Department told Judicial Watch in 2014 that it had no records pertaining to its Freedom of Information Act request for such records. But the suit was reopened last year after the discovery that Clinton used a personal email account and private email server to conduct official State Department business.
When he issued the ruling granting the interviews to Judicial Watch, Sullivan noted that “based on information learned during discovery, the deposition of Mrs. Clinton may be necessary.”
Hillary Clinton should be held to the same standard as everyone else – no exceptions. She recklessly handled state secrets and should be made to account for her actions. Click here to get involved and help Tea Party Patriots encourage our government officials to act with the dignity public office demands!