AG Sessions: Law-enforcement personnel under President Trump have ‘our steadfast support’

Attorney General Jeff Sessions during an event in Richmond, Virginia earlier this week expressed a deep regard for America’s law-enforcement men and women, assuring them that they have the unwavering support of their commander in chief and those in the attorney general’s office.
The Washington Examiner has the story:
The attorney general, speaking to an audience filled with law enforcement, said the administration will work to support police.
“In recent years law enforcement as a whole has been unfairly maligned and blamed for the unacceptable deeds of a few bad actors. Too many of our officers, deputies, and troopers believed the political leadership of this country abandoned them,” he said.
“To turn back rising crime, we must rely heavily on all of you in state and local law enforcement to lead the way — and you must know that you have our steadfast support. The federal government should use its money, research, and expertise to help you figure out what is happening and determine the best ways to fight crime. We should strengthen partnerships between federal and state and local officers. And we should encourage the proactive policing that keeps our neighborhoods safe. This Department of Justice will do just that,” he concluded.
President Donald J. Trump is delivering on his promise to make our nation safer and to enforce our laws and, by extension, support our law-enforcement personnel. Click here to get involved and help Tea Party Patriots urge our lawmakers to follow through on their campaign promises!