Press Release
Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to the Passing of the Sanders Budget Resolution
Atlanta, GA – Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement regarding the passage of the Sanders Budget Resolution. “Senate Democrats do it again. They…
Read MoreTea Party Patriots Action Slams Biden for Poor Leadership on Reopening Schools
Atlanta, GA – Today, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said President Biden will not call upon local teachers unions to return to the classroom. In Chicago, Los Angeles, and…
Read MoreTea Party Patriots Action Opposes Today’s Vote to Impeach President Trump
Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin – responding to today’s vote in the House of Representatives to impeach President Trump – released the following statement: “We oppose…
Read MoreTPPA Applauds Senate’s Confirmation of Judge Barrett to Supreme Court
The Senate approved Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court today. Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement. “Despite the fierce resistance of the…
Read MoreTPPA Launches Petition to Support Senate Republican Proposals to Prevent Court Packing
Senate Republicans have introduced two proposals to prevent “court packing.” The first proposal would prevent the expansion or contraction of the Supreme Court by constitutional amendment, also known as the “Keep Nine” amendment.…
Read MoreTPPA Reacts to Stimulus Negotiations, Opposes Blue State Bailout
In response to news reports of progress in stimulus negotiations, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement today. “Congress should not be bailing out state and local governments.…
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