Tea Party Patriots Action Press Releases
Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to Trump Indictment
Atlanta, GA – Today, President Trump was charged by an out-of-control Manhattan prosecutor in connection with the 2016 non-disclosure agreement between Trump’s lawyer and Stormy Daniels. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement: “I am appalled. This is a continuation of the ongoing, never-ending witch-hunt against President Donald Trump. In this case, the left-wing, Soros-funded prosecutor has weaponized the government against a political opponent – something Tea Party Patriots experienced during the Obama-era IRS scandal. Alvin Bragg is attempting to bring new life into a seven-year-old case that federal prosecutors refused to touch because of the flimsy evidence. While we expect nothing less from leftists who hate Trump, do not lose faith in America. We will continue to stand for constitutionally-limited government and oppose anyone who would choose to weaponize government agencies against anyone."
Tea Party Patriots Action: President Biden Issues First Veto, Insists on Playing Politics with Retirement Accounts
Atlanta, GA – Today, President Biden issued his first veto, blocking a Congressional Review Act resolution of disapproval that would have overturned his administration's new Department of Labor (DOL) rule. The new rule allows private retirement plan fiduciaries to consider environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors when making investments. In response, TPPA Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: "Despite this resolution passing in both the House and Senate, Biden just issued his first veto to prop up his climate agenda and encourage ESG investing for retirement fund fiduciaries. An investment firm is not a SuperPAC or political entity. The funds these firms manage are not political donations. These are retirement funds entrusted to investment firms with one purpose and one purpose only, to produce the maximum return for retiring and retired Americans. It isn't complicated; it's common sense. "The House and Senate both agreed in a bipartisan fashion that fund managers should not play politics with retirees’ money. Biden is wrong to have vetoed this measure. Sadly, it’s no surprise. It’s what we’ve come to expect from Joe Biden and his administration, which politicizes everything it touches.”
President Biden’s Banking Collapse, A Financial Disaster of His Own Creation
Atlanta, GA –On Friday, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) was closed by regulators following a $1.8 billion loss in asset sales and its failure to secure additional capital. Since then, two additional major banks have also collapsed. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement: "When Biden took office, the nation was poised for recovery. All he had to do was keep the ship on a steady course. Instead, Biden and Democrats swiftly enacted a government spending spree, driving up inflation and forcing the Federal Reserve to continually hike interest rates to cool down Biden's inflationary-fueled economy in recession. Those same interest rate hikes brought about by Bidenflation are part of what caused the collapse of SVB, turning their multitude of higher-yielding bonds into a massive investment flop. Now Biden wants to bail out the banks on the taxpayer dime, furthering his tax-and-spend agenda. "The Biden administration has proved that its agenda works for no one, not for hardworking Americans and not for investors and the banks. Bluntly put, the Biden economy is an unmitigated disaster. The Wall Street bailout of 2008 was the genesis of the Tea Party movement, fueling grassroots outrage that spilled over into the early Obama era. The socialistic 2008 bailout was a mistake, one that we must not repeat now with SVB or any other bank."ReplyReply allForward CP
Tea Party Patriots Action Urges House to Pass Legislation Declassifying Intel on Covid-19 Origins
Atlanta, GA – Today, the House is expected to vote on legislation to help make public information relating to the origins of COVID-19. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), cleared the Senate by unanimous consent last week. It would require that the director of national intelligence declassify “as much information as possible about the origin of COVID-19,” then make it available to the public. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement:"Three years ago, President Trump said the pandemic likely originated in China with a lab leak. Tea Party Patriots Action said the exact same thing. So did a small minority of medical and national security experts. Today, it's becoming increasingly clear that we were right. “But during the past three years, we took a lot of abuse. The federal government, led by the Liar-in-Chief, Dr. Anthony Fauci, launched a massive propaganda campaign to convince the public that the lab leak origin was a conservative myth. Dr. Fauci blatantly manipulated the public, as new emails from the House Oversight Committee reveal. The FBI was eagerly working with Twitter to suppress dissidents, as the 'Twitter Files' make clear to all. “The public has the right to know everything the government knows about the origins of COVID-19. This is important for public health, free speech, and national security. The House must pass Senator Hawley's bill to make public information relating to the origin of COVID-19. There is no legitimate argument against it."
Tea Party Patriots Action Blasts Tax-Hiking Biden Budget Ahead of Philadelphia Speech
Atlanta, GA – Today, President Biden is coming to Philadelphia to unveil his latest budget proposal. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement: "President Biden's budget will be dead on arrival, as it should be. Biden no longer has a Democrat majority in both chambers of Congress to pass his record spending and borrowing. The new House Republican majority is committed to restoring fiscal sanity, using the debt ceiling discussions as leverage to enforce fiscal discipline. Biden is boasting that his budget will protect Medicare. Nothing could be further from the truth. As long as America is running jaw-dropping deficits and adding to our $31 trillion debt, nothing is safe. The soaring inflation we've experienced under Biden — truly, just another tax — is the canary in the coal mine for a larger debt crisis in the near-future. House Republicans will throw Biden's budget in the trash; it's not worth the paper it's written on."
Tea Party Patriots Action Lauds Congress for Blocking Liberal DC City Council’s Attempt to Weaken Penalties for Violent Crime
Atlanta, GA – Today, the Senate passed a Republican-led resolution to block Washington, D.C.’s revised criminal code — which weakens penalties for certain violent crimes — from taking effect. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement: "Since the 'defund the police' movement began three years ago, crime has been exploding in Democrat-run cities all across America. As in other urban areas, crime in Washington, DC is off the charts. Unlike other urban areas, however, Washington, DC, is unique — it is the seat of the federal government. The Constitution recognizes Congress’s authority over the District of Columbia. “The Senate just joined the House in moving to block the ultra-progressive D.C. City Council’s attempt to weaken penalties for violent crimes, a move that is so outrageous even many Democrats in the House and Senate balked. President Biden has said he will not veto the actions of the Congress in this case. “In light of the disastrous effects of the ‘defund the police’ movement, it is time to reverse course and restore the rule of law. Biden needs to take on the left-wing, soft-on-crime elements of his party before they do even more damage to America."
Tea Party Patriots Action Urges House to Pass Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act
Atlanta, GA – Today and tomorrow, the House is scheduled to consider H.R. 140, the Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act. This bill would bar federal employees from using their official authority or influence to promote censorship or to advocate for that action by a third party. Employees found to violate the prohibition would be subject to civil penalties. In anticipation, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement: "Under normal circumstances, this bill would be unnecessary, because it's a foundational principle of our country that every American has a right to free speech and government efforts to suppress free speech are illegal. However, we are not living in normal circumstances. The 'Deep State' is out of control and has weaponized the FBI, the DOJ, the DHS, and other federal departments to suppress free speech by Americans who are challenging the status quo, whether that's regarding the origins of Covid-19, the effectiveness of mask and vaccine mandates, or election integrity, among numerous other key issues. The 'Twitter Files' proved the urgency of the need for legislation reimposing the red line between the 'Deep State's' self-protection and self-promotion on the one hand and the First Amendment on the other. We enthusiastically urge every Member of the House to vote for H.R. 140, the Protecting Speech from Government Interference Act. This should not be a red issue or a blue issue, it should be a bipartisan issue, and we are hopeful it can pass both Houses of Congress and get to President Biden's desk."
House Subcommittee Hearing on Intellectual Property and Competition with China: Tea Party Patriots Action, Producer of INNOVATION RACE Documentary, Reacts
Atlanta, GA – Today, the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet will hold a hearing entitled, “Intellectual Property and Strategic Competition with China: Part I." Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) recently produced a documentary about the weakening U.S. patent system and competition with China entitled, INNOVATION RACE. In response to the subcommittee hearing, TPPA Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: "Winning the technology race with China is crucially important for America’s national security. While China is strengthening its own patent system and exploiting the weaknesses in ours, the U.S. is falling behind and discouraging inventors with an intellectual property system that works for Big Tech, and Big Tech only. “This issue is so important that Tea Party Patriots Action produced a documentary, INNOVATION RACE, to highlight the need to reform the U.S. patent system to restore U.S. dominance in the areas of invention, technology, and innovation. "In 2011, Big Tech giants lobbied Congress to change the U.S. patent system to benefit them, at the cost of inventors and America's technological competitiveness. What followed was a new bureaucratic kangaroo court that Big Tech uses to easily invalidate new and existing patents, overwhelming the original inventors with massive legal fees needed to challenge their claim to the invention they created. This is just one of many issues that the House subcommittee needs to address to help put America back in the forefront of innovation." The INNOVATION RACE documentary can be streamed through SalemNOW.
House Republicans Vote to Protect Retirement Security by Preventing Biden Rule from Diverting Retirement Funds into Political Plans
Atlanta, GA – Today, House Republicans voted on a Congressional Review Act resolution of disapproval to overturn the Biden administration’s Department of Labor (DOL) rule that allows private retirement plan fiduciaries to consider environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors when making investment decisions for their clients. This new Biden DOL rule overturned a Trump administration rule that kept retirement plan decision-makers (fiduciaries) focused properly, allowing them to use only financial factors in choosing investments for the funds for which they had responsibility. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “Over 140 million Americans have retirement plans controlled by federal government standards. The money in those plans is meant to do one thing and one thing only – secure safe and comfortable retirements by delivering the maximum return for the account holders. Investment plan fiduciaries shouldn’t be adding in ESG factors for the simple reason that it’s not their money. It’s not their place to choose underperforming ESG investments based on political agendas. Investment firms shouldn’t put politics over profits when it comes to retirement security, and they certainly shouldn’t be doing it because the government is forcing them to do so. House Republicans are doing the will of the people by voting to overturn Biden’s DOL rule. Now, it’s up to the Senate to decide if it will stand with the people, or with Biden’s political agenda.”
Tea Party Patriots Action Urges SCOTUS to Terminate Biden’s Illegal Student Loan Bailout
Atlanta, GA – Today, the U.S. Supreme Court will hold oral arguments in two lawsuits against the Biden administration to terminate the administration’s $400 billion student loan bailout. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement: “Today, in the cases of Biden v. Nebraska and Department of Education v. Brown, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in an extraordinarily significant matter. The justices will once again have the chance to stand up for one of the Founders’ foundational doctrines – the separation of powers, a principle that is necessary to the prevention of a tyrannical government. “Twice already – on his Covid vaccine mandate for large private businesses, and on the eviction moratorium – the Supreme Court has overturned Biden policies because the Court determined that his administration had overstepped its Constitutional authority and usurped the powers of the Congress. Today’s cases will give them the opportunity to do so a third time. “The Congress never authorized the president to have the federal government cancel the student loan debt of some 43 million debtors. Not only did the Congress fail to authorize it, the Congress explicitly chose not to authorize it – not once, but twice during the Covid emergency. “The stakes here could not be higher. Our founders agonized over the deliberate separation of powers. The Supreme Court should take this opportunity once again to stand up for that key principle.”