Tea Party Patriots Action Press Releases

Tea Party Patriots Action Supports the President’s National Emergency Declaration

Atlanta, GA – Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin responds to President Trump signing the bill to fund the government and declaring a national emergency at our southern border. Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin: “Tea Party Patriots Action supports President Trump’s decision to declare a national emergency at our southern border.  It is maddening that Democrats in Congress refuse to acknowledge the crisis at our border and instead choose politics over the safety, security, and in many cases, the lives of the American people. They refuse to even listen to the experts who are charged with securing our border on a daily basis. The Democrats know full-well that the $5.7 billion requested by President Trump was for a broad solution that included many things even the Democrats have claimed are needed for border security, and yet they still refused to work with the president out of pure spite. We wonder, as support for President Trump and for the wall continue to increase, how much longer will Democrats put politics over the interests of the American people? It is a dangerous game they are playing, not only with their political futures, but with the lives of Americans as well. We applaud President Trump for working to keep his promise to the American people and fighting to make our country safe and secure.” ###
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Tea Party Patriots Action Responds to SOTU Border Security and Immigration Remarks

Atlanta, GA — Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin responds to President Trump’s remarks on border security and immigration reform in his State of the Union Address: “Without complete border security — which includes a wall, additional personnel, and technology — the border crisis will remain the issue that defines the state of our union. Tonight, President Trump made yet another well-reasoned case for his border security proposal. If Congress is not motivated by the president’s determination to end illegal immigration, human trafficking, and the flow of drugs and crime, then we are at a dangerous stalemate. It’s time for our elected lawmakers to come together and serve Americans like Elvin Hernandez, Debra Bissell, and the Armstrong family. If we fail them, we fail our country.” ###
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Tea Party Patriots Action Comments Ahead of President Trump’s State of the Union Speech

Atlanta, GA -- Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin comments ahead of President Trump’s State of the Union Speech.   “We look forward to President Trump’s State of the Union Address to Congress and to the American people Tuesday night.  We are pleased that the President will address the crisis at our southern border.  After three decades of unfulfilled promises, we are thankful that President Trump has made securing our southern border a priority for the sake of ensuring the safety and security of all Americans.” ###
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Tea Party Patriots Action Responds to President Trump’s Announcement Ending the Partial Government Shutdown

Atlanta, GA – Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin responds to President Trump’s announcement ending the partial government shutdown. “The President has just put Congress on notice that if Congress cannot find a way to provide appropriate funding for border security — including funding for a wall (permanent, physical barriers — whatever you want to call it, as long as it is a permanent barrier) which Republicans and Democrats have supported in the past — he will invoke his powers under the National Emergencies Act to secure our border. It is time for Members of Congress to end the political games, get over their hatred of the President, and work with President Trump to provide the security our nation deserves.” ###
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Tea Party Patriots Action Urges the U.S. Senate to Confirm The President’s Judicial Nominees

Atlanta, GA – Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement today, urging the U.S. Senate to confirm all of President Trump’s judicial nominees. “President Trump is keeping his promise to nominate exceptionally qualified judges with a record of adhering to the Constitution and following the rule of law. But because Senate Democrats have engaged in an unprecedented campaign of obstruction, there are now more than 160 lower federal court vacancies – more than existed when President Trump first took office. Democrats must put aside their partisan, gridlock politics and join with their Republican colleagues to fill all current vacancies with bipartisan support.”   ###
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Tea Party Patriots Action Launches Ad Calling for Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein to ‘Do His Job or Resign’

Atlanta, GA - Tea Party Patriots Action today released a new ad calling on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to “do his job, or resign.” The ad will start running on television on Monday, Feb. 5 and digitally on Sunday, Feb. 4. Tea Party Patriots Action released the following statement from Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin: “On behalf of our nationwide network of over 3 million supporters, we call on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to stop protecting Obama holdovers and Deep State bureaucrats who are politicizing the Department of Justice and FBI, or resign. Rod Rosenstein’s stonewalling and failure to cooperate with legitimate congressional oversight have damaged the credibility of important institutions and undermined critical congressional investigations seeking the truth about the politicization of our national security agencies. Our message to Mr. Rosenstein is simple: Do your job and uphold the rule of law or resign from office immediately.” You can view the ad here. Transcript: NARRATOR: Rod Rosenstein. A weak careerist at the Justice Department. Protecting liberal Obama holdovers and the Deep State, instead of following the rule of law. His incompetence and abuse of power have undermined congressional investigations, led to stonewalling and tarnished the credibility of the Department of Justice. Time for him to stand up for the rule of law and stand up for the American people. It’s time for Rod Rosenstein to do his job, or resign.
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