Tea Party Patriots Action Press Releases

Tea Party Patriots Action Slams Biden Executive Actions on Guns

Atlanta, GA – Today, President Biden is announcing six executive actions to curb gun ownership. The proposed rules restrict the proliferation of “ghost guns” (unregistered firearms that can be assembled from parts), encourage states to adopt red flag laws, and tighten rules on certain modified pistols. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement:   “President Biden’s executive actions will make it harder for law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and their families, and would have done nothing to prevent recent mass shooting episodes. As we saw during the riots of 2020, it is absolutely critical that law-abiding Americans maintain their constitutional right to possess firearms. At the very least, President Biden should allow Congress to consider Second Amendment legislation, instead of taking the decision out of their hands.  This is the first of what we expect will be many attempts by the Biden Administration to undercut our Second Amendment rights and make Americans less safe.”
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Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to Former VP Pence Launching Advancing American Freedom Organization

Today, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin was named to the Advisory Board of Former Vice President Mike Pence’s new organization called Advancing American Freedom. She released the following statement:  “I am extremely pleased to serve on the Advisory Board of Former Vice President Mike Pence’s new organization, Advancing American Freedom. The organization will build on the successes the Trump Administration created over the last four years, and promote the conservative principles that make America great. These principles empower America and Americans to flourish and help us build a better more, secure future. “Vice President Pence is gifted in articulating and advancing how a policy agenda built on conservative values allows all Americans to reach their own version of the American Dream. “Advancing American Freedom will oppose the expansion of government promoted by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and their radical left allies in Washington, DC, which, if left unchecked, would create an American Nightmare. “The contrast between visions for America’s future could not be more clear: Individual liberty and limited government and the prosperity they bring, or collectivist statism and economic stagnation. I look forward to working with Vice President Pence and Advancing American Freedom to promote America’s brightest future.”
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Tea Party Patriots Action Responds to MLB Moving Allstar Game from Georgia Because of Dems Lies About New Voting Laws

Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement in regard to the MLB moving the 2021 All Star Game from Atlanta because of Democrats lies about new Georgia voting laws. “Major League Baseball’s decision to move the All-Star Game is wrong-headed and hypocritical.   “Anyone who actually reads the law Georgia passed knows that it will make voting in Georgia easier than it was before, and will make it easier than voting in states like New York and Delaware, while also making it harder for people to cheat.   “The simple truth is: Major League Baseball caved to the woke cancel culture based on lies. And this decision will hurt the people and small businesses Major League Baseball claims to care about. It’s time to ask Major League Baseball when it will move its headquarters out of New York, where there are not as many days of early voting as there are in Georgia?   “Major League Baseball cannot be upset with the voter ID requirements. Major League Baseball requires an ID for will call ticket pick up.   “Further, specifically regarding voter identification requirements, is Major League Baseball aware that Georgia is one of 36 states that requires some form of identification in order to cast a ballot? In fact, Washington, Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, and 15 other states require not just an ID, but a photo ID. Why does Major League Baseball not want Georgians to enjoy the same level of access to voting and ballot integrity that are enjoyed by voters in 35 other states?  “Major League Baseball should immediately reverse its decision to withdraw the All-Star Game from Atlanta.”
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Tea Party Patriots Action Fully Opposes H.R. 1 Ahead of Senate Rules Committee Hearing

Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairmen Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement ahead of the Senate Rules Committee hearing this morning: “Whether you’re talking about H.R. 1 or S. 1, the Corrupt Politicians Act is outrageous. It would ruin election integrity by eliminating many of the safeguards that discourage voter fraud. It would codify the chaos we saw in last year’s election, including: universal mail-in ballots, ballot trafficking or harvesting, and same day registration. The bill would overturn Voter ID in 35 states.  “A recent poll by the Honest Elections Project shows that 77 percent of Americans believe that someone should be required to present some form of identification to vote; that includes large majorities among African-Americans, Latinos and even those who voted for Joe Biden. “This bill is a scurrilous attempt by congressional Democrats to take their slim temporary majority and turn it into permanent political control. It must be defeated.”
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Tea Party Patriots Action Applauds Chairman Biggs for Being First House Member to Sign TPPA “No Earmarks Pledge”

WOODSTOCK, GA – Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin today acknowledged receipt of U.S. Rep. Andy Biggs’ signed “No Earmark Pledge” and released the following statement: “U.S. Rep. Andy Biggs – Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus – has signed TPPA’s No Earmarks Pledge, and we applaud him for it. Chairman Biggs is the first member of Congress to sign on, and we are counting on others to follow his leadership to publicly pledge to oppose and vote against any spending bill that contains a congressional earmark or ‘member-directed community funding project.’ “No matter what you call them – ‘member-directed community spending,’ ‘community project funding,’ or whatever – earmarks are the currency of corruption, and they fuel spending growth. They are the very definition of special interest spending. With our national debt approaching $30 trillion, it’s clear the Washington swamp doesn’t need any more tools at its disposal to grease the skids for reckless spending. What it needs instead is strong leaders committed to getting federal spending under control.  “That’s why we created the No Earmark Pledge – a public vow to be taken by members of Congress and those who wish to be members of Congress, so the public can tell who’s part of the spending problem and who’s part of the solution.  “The text of the No Earmark Pledge is simple: ‘I, ________, pledge to the constituents of the ________ district of the State of ________ and to all Americans that I will oppose, and vote against, any spending bill that includes a congressional earmark or any “member-directed community funding” project.’ “Those members of Congress (and those who wish to be members of Congress) who are committed to ending Washington’s reckless spending ways should have no trouble signing, and living up to, this No Earmark...
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Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to House Republican Vote to Bring Back Earmarks.

WOODSTOCK, GA – Responding to news that a majority of the members of the House Republican Conference voted today to change the Conference rules to permit Republican members of the House of Representatives once again to request earmarks – the very definition of special interest spending – Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin today sent a letter to every Republican in the House announcing the establishment of the organization’s “No Earmark Pledge” and inviting them to sign it, and released the following statement: “Earmarks are bad. Earmarks are the currency of corruption, and they fuel spending growth. As the votes earlier this month on the Pelosi Progressive Payoff – that $1.9 TRILLION spending-palooza – make clear, Washington does not need any more ‘help’ spending taxpayer funds. Bringing back earmarks is a ‘solution’ in search of a ‘problem.’ Not only will bringing back earmarks do nothing to help get Washington’s reckless spending under control, bringing back earmarks will make the situation even worse. “Consequently, Tea Party Patriots Action has created a ‘No Earmark Pledge,’ a public vow to be taken by members of Congress and those who wish to be members of Congress, so the public can tell who’s part of the spending problem and who’s part of the solution.  “The text of the No Earmark Pledge is simple: ‘I, ________, pledge to the constituents of the ________ district of the State of ________ and to all Americans that I will oppose, and vote against, any spending bill that includes a congressional earmark or any “member-directed community funding” project.’ “Those members of Congress who are committed to ending Washington’s reckless spending ways should have no trouble signing, and living up to, this No Earmark Pledge.  “We intend to deploy our national grassroots network to inform Americans all over...
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Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to House Passage of H.R. 1

Atlanta, GA – On Wednesday night, the Democrat-led House approved HR 1, a sweeping “election reform” bill. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement:   “H.R. 1 is proof that Democrats don’t just want to change public policy — they want to fundamentally transform our governing institutions to their advantage. They want to take their temporary majority and make it a permanent fact of life. The fact that Democrats are calling it an ‘election integrity bill’ is Orwellian. In fact, H.R. 1 will do the exact opposite – gutting the integrity of our elections and our government. H.R. 1 will codify virtually all the irregularities we saw in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere, spread them across the country, and then take them to the next level. “Among other things, H.R. 1 will make voter ID illegal. Voter ID is our best defense against widespread fraud, and the Democrats know it. H.R. 1 should be known as the ‘Incumbent Protection Act,’ because it will enhance the reelection prospects of incumbents, to the detriment of challengers — and to the detriment of the voters’ right to hold their lawmakers accountable. “This is a terrible bill, but its passage is a useful reminder of how far Democrats can and will go to advance their power, even at the cost of running roughshod over minority protections. “We will continue to oppose this legislation in the Senate, where, we hope, minority rights and election integrity will be better protected.”
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Tea Party Patriots Action Urges “No” Vote on House Stimulus Bill

Atlanta, GA – Today, the House is expected to vote on a $1.9 trillion stimulus bill.  In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement:  “This is one of the worst bills I can remember. If House Democrats have their way, we are going to steal another $1.9 trillion from our children and spend it for no good reason. We have already spent $5 trillion on coronavirus relief since the Covid pandemic started. We do not need an additional $1.9 trillion when the unemployment rate is at an historically-average 6.3 percent, a rate lower than it was during the entire first six years of the Obama Administration. Moreover, we just passed a coronavirus relief bill in December, and that money has not even been spent yet. Further, according to CBO estimates, more than a third of the money in this bill wouldn’t even be spent until 2022. Worst of all, this bill isn’t just wasteful, it’s actually counterproductive — it reduces pressure on state and local governments to work to find ways to reopen businesses and schools. This is a bill designed to keep the lockdowns going. This is not what the American people want. This bill should go down, and Congress should go back to the drawing board.”
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Tea Party Patriots Action Urges Democrats to Keep Filibuster

Atlanta, GA – With the Senate parliamentarian ruling against the inclusion of a $15 minimum wage hike in the stimulus bill, Sen. Elizabeth Warren urged her colleagues to get rid of the filibuster.   In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement:  “During the 2020 election, we warned the American people that, if given the chance, Senate Democrats would try to eliminate the filibuster if they deemed it necessary to advance their radical agenda. The Democrats don’t just want to change public policy, they want to fundamentally transform our governing institutions to their advantage. They want to take their temporary majority and turn it into permanent control. As recently as a few years ago, the overwhelming majority of Democratic senators recognized the significance of the filibuster in terms of protecting minority rights and fostering bipartisan cooperation. They understood that the Founders meant for the House and the Senate to perform different functions, and they knew that their revered former Majority Leader — Robert Byrd of West Virginia — had it right when he spoke of an earlier attempt to overturn the filibuster and said, ‘How sad will be the legacy of those senators who vote to assassinate freedom of speech in the Senate of the United States. What a blotch upon the escutcheon of the great basic liberty of the people. How sad.’ Now, a new generation of far-left Democrats, led by Senators Warren and Sanders, are seeking to eliminate a 184-year-old institution — just because it won’t accede to their woke ideology. We urge reasonable Democrats, who understand the importance of protecting minority rights, like Senators Manchin, Feinstein, and Sinema, and others, to stand strong to preserve the protection of minority rights in the Senate.”
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Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to the Passing of Rush Limbaugh

Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman, Jenny Beth Martin, released the following statement after hearing about the passing of conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh:  “We are deeply saddened by the passing of Rush Limbaugh. He was a legend in every sense of the word. He not only gave conservatives a powerful voice, he inspired and encouraged tens of millions of our fellow citizens to embrace ideas that allowed them to achieve the American Dream — in Ronald Reagan’s words, to become whatever God intended them to become. Rush helped change America for the better, and his legacy will long outlast those of his detractors. We thank him for his unmatched contribution to the country he dearly loved. He will truly be missed. We will remember him and his loved ones in our prayers.”
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