Tea Party Patriots Action Press Releases
Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to Supreme Court Ruling Striking Down California Donor Disclosure Rule
Atlanta, GA – Today, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down California’s requirement that tax-exempt charities disclose their major contributors. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “Today, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of free speech, and denied the radical left a new way to cancel conservatives. California's donor disclosure rule was designed to chill citizens’ rights to free speech, and we are pleased the Supreme Court overturned it. This issue is very important to us at TPPA, since we have first-hand experience with governmental agencies using illegal means to block political speech they oppose — it was our donors the IRS directly targeted during the Obama Administration. “The Supreme Court's rulings in the California and Arizona cases are a significant setback for left-wing extremists and their attempts to manipulate elections and civil discourse to their advantage."
Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to Supreme Court Ruling Upholding Arizona Voting Rules
Atlanta, GA – Today, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Arizona’s ban on ballot harvesting and out-of-precinct voting. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “Today, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed states that pass laws making it easy to vote and hard to cheat. The court's ruling today in the Arizona case is also a win for efforts in states such as Georgia, Florida, Texas, and others that have pressed forward with needed reforms to ensure the integrity of our elections. “The ruling is also a clear message to radical leftists: Do not make a power play to take over elections.”
Tea Party Patriots Action Praises Don’t Weaponize the IRS Act
McConnell-Braun Bill Will PreventBiden Administration Liberals fromWeaponizing the IRS Against Conservatives Atlanta, GA – On Thursday, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and Senator Mike Braun introduced the “Don’t Weaponize the IRS Act.” This bill codifies the Trump Administration rule that protects citizen groups regardless of their political ideology or beliefs, and prevents the IRS from doxing donors to these groups. The bill is currently cosponsored by 43 Senators. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “Tea Party Patriots Action knows firsthand how the IRS can be weaponized by Democrat administrations. In 2013, the Office of Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration concluded that ‘the IRS used inappropriate criteria that identified for review Tea Party and other organizations applying for tax exempt status based upon their policy positions instead of indications of potential political campaign intervention.’ That’s a direct quote from their report. President Obama and then-IRS Commissioner Koskinen covered up for the IRS, and the Obama Administration did what was necessary to prevent the truth from coming out. The mainstream media was completely uninterested in this particular abuse of government power, so no one was ever held accountable. Now that Democrats once again control the levers of power in Washington, TPPA is rightfully concerned about even the possibility of a re-weaponization of the IRS. Our Constitution protects our rights as individuals and groups of individuals to speak our minds on issues of concern to us without fear of harassment by government or political opponents, but Democrats seem not to acknowledge those rights. The ‘Don’t Weaponize the IRS Act’ will protect TPPA and other citizens’ groups from a repeat of the Obama-era IRS targeting scandal. We thank Leader McConnell and Senator Braun for introducing this bill, and we thank all of the bill’s...
Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to S. 1 Markup
Atlanta, GA – Today, the Senate Rules Committee is holding a markup on S. 1, a sweeping “election reform” bill. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “The Democrat assault on the First Amendment continues. If they succeed in passing S. 1, it will fundamentally weaken our democracy and reduce election integrity. Voter fraud will become more prevalent, and taxpayers will be paying the bill for congressional campaigns. No wonder most people are calling S. 1 ‘the Corrupt Politicians Act.’ Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senator Ted Cruz did a magnificent job defending free speech today. S. 1 is a Democrat power grab, pure and simple. We will continue to vigorously oppose it.” On Monday, Townhall published Ms. Martin’s op-ed, On Election ‘Reform,’ Democrat Elites Are Out of Touch. To read it, click here.
Tea Party Patriots Action Praises Florida Legislature for Passing Strong Election Security Bill
Atlanta, GA – On Thursday, the Florida Senate passed the amended version of SB 90, a landmark election security bill. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “Election integrity is one of TPPA’s most important priorities. At the federal level, we are opposing HR 1, the Corrupt Politicians Act, and at the state level, we are urging common-sense reforms that make it easier to vote and harder to cheat. Georgia has already passed legislation doing that, and now Florida is on the verge of doing the same. We need to restore public trust in our elections. We thank the Florida legislators who voted for this bill, and we look forward to having Governor DeSantis sign it into law.”
Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to Biden’s Address to Joint Session of Congress
Atlanta, GA – Tonight, President Biden delivered his first address to a joint session of Congress. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “During President Biden’s speech to a joint session of Congress, he continued to push his radical-left agenda that will devastate our country. During his first 100 days, President Biden has added trillions to our debt, opened our borders, threatened the integrity of our elections with H.R. 1 and the Georgia boycott, proposed massive tax hikes that will cripple our economy, and begun the process of reengaging in the disastrous Iran nuclear deal. Rather than focus on America first, President Biden is focused on enacting the most radical legislative agenda ever foisted on the American public. If he succeeds, the loss of individual liberty will be great, incentives for economic growth will be lost, and our nation will be swamped with debt. We simply cannot allow that to happen. “American success has always been the product of individual initiative and the pursuit of the American Dream — not because of government, but in spite of government. It’s not a $1,400 check from the government that’s making a difference, it’s the freedom to follow one’s dreams that makes the difference. It’s not the government that works, it’s all those Americans who carry around all that government on their backs while they work. The sooner President Biden recognizes that, the better off we’ll all be.”
Tea Party Patriots Action Opposes Biden’s Push to Resume Obama’s Failed Iran Nuclear Deal
Atlanta, GA – As U.S. and Iranian diplomats discuss the possibility of the Biden Administration returning the United States to the terms of the failed Iran nuclear deal enacted by the Obama Administration, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin – who, with then-candidate Donald Trump and others, staged a 10,000-strong rally to oppose the deal on the west face of the Capitol in September of 2015 – today issued the following statement: “The Biden Administration should stop its efforts to return the United States to the failed Iran nuclear deal right now. That deal was a bad deal when it was first negotiated in 2015, and it’s a bad deal now. It did not and does not strengthen the security of the United States or our allies. It ignored and ignores Iran’s continuing work to develop ballistic missiles, and Iran’s continuing support for international terrorism targeted at us and at our allies. It made and makes the threat posed by Iran worse, not better. “The Obama Administration’s decision, concurrent with the enactment of the Iran nuclear deal, to transfer $1.7 billion to Iran -- $400 million of which arrived in cash, on pallets, in an unmarked cargo plane – allowed the Iranian regime to step up its funding of international terror campaigns targeting the U.S. and its allies. “To his credit, Donald Trump campaigned against the deal when he ran for president, and promised that, if elected, he would withdraw the United States from it. He lived up to his word, and U.S. security was strengthened. For the new president to act now to return the United States to the terms of the deal is wrong. “Instead, the Biden Administration should continue the Trump Administration’s ‘Maximum Pressure’ strategy, and should support the enactment of H.R. 2718, the...
Border Security Coalition Demands Biden Address Border Crisis
A coalition of more than two dozen former administration officials, former members of Congress, and top policy experts signed a letter to President Joe Biden demanding action to reverse the exploding crisis at the southern border. The list includes former Acting DHS Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli, former Acting Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan, Former Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tom Homan, former Congressmen Lamar Smith, Dave Brat, Bob McEwan and John Hostettler, as well as the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s CEO Kevin Roberts and former Ambassador Ken Blackwell. “The United States is currently experiencing a national security and humanitarian crisis on the southern border as a consequence of your administration’s immigration policies,” the letter states. “Your administration has either fully or partially reversed multiple measures that were effectively used by the previous administration to end a similar humanitarian crisis, secure the southern border and stop massive waves of migrants with invalid asylum claims from flooding into the US.” The letter gives several ways the administration has fomented the crisis including: Defunding the border wall;Ending the “Remain in Mexico” program;Reinstituting “catch and release;”Loosening eligibility standards for asylum claims, and;Giving minors unrestricted access to the United States. The letter also lists seven specific solutions the administration can follow to begin curbing the crisis. “As civic leaders who share a commitment to securing the southern border, we urge you to reinstate the effective policies of the previous administration and work with members of the House and Senate to pass necessary legislation to end this border crisis.” Read the full letter.
Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to Democrats Plans to Pack the Court
Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement regarding Democrats plans to pack the court: “The Democrats' scheme to pack the Supreme Court is a direct attack on our democracy. They want full, permanent control over government and the American people. President Biden himself has called packing the court a ‘bonehead idea’ and a ‘terrible, terrible mistake’ but he may now be open to this blatant power grab. This will only further mobilize the grassroots against the Biden administration and the liberal leadership in Congress, no one voted for this."
Tea Party Patriots Action Applauds GA Gov. Kemp for Lifting All Covid Restrictions
Atlanta, GA – On Wednesday, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp announced that all COVID-19 restrictions in the state would be lifted, beginning today. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement: “It’s time for all Georgians — and all Americans — to get back to normal, to get back to work and back to school, and we appreciate Governor Kemp for recognizing that fact and taking action to make it happen. The government response to this pandemic has led to an economic catastrophe. Just today, the Labor Department announced that first-time jobless claims are rising, and remain more than three times higher than they were pre-pandemic. California Governor Newsom said this week that his goal is to fully reopen his state’s economy in two and a half months. That’s unacceptably slow. Every state should learn from Georgia, Florida, Texas, and South Dakota about the urgency and safety of reopening. The time for excuses is over.”