Tea Party Patriots Action Press Releases
Tea Party Patriots Action’s Jenny Beth Martin Bashes House Dems For Lack of Transparency
Atlanta, GA – Today, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement in response to House Democrats' refusal to openly vote on a free-standing budget resolution to make possible the spending of $3.5 trillion: “The Democrats' absurdity continues. House Democrats have once again ducked their responsibility to be open and transparent about what they’re doing. They 'deemed' the budget resolution passed by wrapping it up in a separate rule, rather than holding a free-standing vote on a resolution that would make possible a spending bill that will spend more money than any bill in the history of the U.S. government. If they really had the courage of their convictions, they would proudly vote for a budget resolution that funds their priorities. Instead, they play parliamentary tricks to hide their reckless spending and job-killing tax hikes. It’s outrageous!"
Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to H.R. 4 Passage
Atlanta, GA – Today, the U.S. House passed H.R. 4, also known as the “Pelosi Power Grab.” In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “H.R. 4 — AKA the ‘Pelosi Power Grab’ — is the radicals’ latest attempt to centralize election administration in The Swamp. It would require that federal bureaucrats preapprove changes to virtually anything that could impact elections, from redistricting down to the placement of stop lights. It would create a system in which virtually every election district in the nation would be subject to orders from Washington. Worse, it is premised on fixing a ‘problem’ that no longer exists — it was fixed long ago. Any right-thinking person who understands the Constitution’s instructions that elections are a matter to be administered by state and local governments should be offended by this proposed legislation, as we are. We urge members of the House to vote against and defeat this absurdity. The battle to preserve election integrity continues, and our activists will not give an inch.”
Tea Party Patriots Action Holding Nationwide Protests Saturday Against Medical Mandates
Atlanta, GA – On Saturday, August 28, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) will hold nationwide protests against Democrat-led mandates for COVID vaccines and masks. As of today, Tuesday, more than 60 “Just Say NO” events have been organized for Saturday in cities small and large across the nation. To learn more about the “Just Say NO” campaign, click here.TPPA Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “Enough is enough. Vaccine and mask mandates should offend every American. Mask mandates in our schools don’t help children, and can actually cause harm to them as they develop. Wanna-be tyrants are loving this moment in history, and will continue rolling back our rights unless we the people start speaking up and making our voices heard. That’s the purpose behind Saturday’s events: to remind the wanna-be tyrants they work for us, not the other way around. We will stand and speak up for ourselves, our children, our communities, and our country. We will not be silenced. Not now or ever.” In addition to her organizing work with TPPA, Ms. Martin is a mom of boy-girl twins who just graduated from public high school. She engages with her local school board in Cherokee County, Georgia, attending local school board meetings, researching issues, informing parents, and sending letters to the school board. Last year, she helped those schools reopen and stay open. On August 14, the Washington Times published Ms. Martin’s op-ed, Masking school children is abuse. To read it, click here.
Senators Manchin and Sinema Should Take Their Concerns with $3.5T Budget Reconciliation Bill Seriously, and So Should Everyone Else
Atlanta, GA – Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement in regards to Senators Manchin and Sinema expressing their concerns with the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill. “Our nation is already more than $29 trillion in debt as we speak, yet Democrats continue to ramp up the reckless spending as they push for a $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill. Senators Manchin and Sinema have raised serious concerns about this bill. Sinema said last week she would not vote for $3.5 trillion, and Manchin said this morning that it is ‘simply irresponsible to continue spending at levels more suited to respond to a Great Depression …’ They are absolutely right. There's no need to spend another dime after, as he noted, we've already pumped $5 trillion in new deficit spending into the economy over the past year. As if on cue with his stated concern about inflation, today's Consumer Price Index report shows a big spike in inflation, which is a hidden tax on everyone. But will Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema hold to this? Will responsible actions follow their words? They and other sensible Democrats, as well as all Republicans, must unite to stop the reckless spending right here, right now."
Tea Party Patriots Action Opposes $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Deal, Urges All Senators to Vote Against Cloture
Today, a bipartisan group of senators reached a deal on a $1.2 trillion infrastructure package. The Senate could vote as soon as tonight to advance the proposal, according to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement: “I strongly encourage all members of the Senate to oppose the reckless $1.2 trillion infrastructure package. Democrats have already spent and borrowed a record amount of money since President Biden took office, and there's no reason Senate Republicans should join with them. Senate Democrats are planning an additional $3.5 trillion in spending after they vote on the infrastructure bill. If both these bills pass, we will be over $30 trillion in debt, and we will be crippling future generations and their ability to enjoy the lives they should.”
Tea Party Patriots Action’s Jenny Beth Martin Will Speak at Capitol Hill Rally in Support of a Free Cuba
On Tuesday, July 27, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA), the American Conservative Union (ACU), Bienvenido US, the Republican National Hispanic Assembly (RNHA), will join Members of Congress and the House Cuban Working Group in holding a demonstration demanding immediate action by the Biden administration against the oppressive communist dictatorship of Cuba. TPPA Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin will speak at the rally. Other speakers include Leader Kevin McCarthy, Matt & Mercedes Schlapp, Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, Sen. Marco Rubio, Rep. Alex Mooney, and Gordon Chang. Ms. Martin released the following statement today: “The American people stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the people of Cuba as they begin the brave and exciting process of freeing themselves from six decades of communist dictatorship. The Biden Administration is more interested in being cordial with the communist regime than being clear and strong in defending American values and advancing the cause of freedom less than 100 miles from our shores. Cuba shows the failure of communism and the hunger for freedom, which is partly why the Administration and its allies in Congress are silent. The American people will fill the void. I'm proud to be speaking at Tuesday's rally and TPPA's members are committed to a free Cuba - not one day, but as soon as we can." Mr. Schlapp released the following statement: “Today marks one week of silence and inaction from the Biden administration in response to the pro-freedom protests by the people of Cuba, who are suffering under a brutal communist regime. Perhaps Biden has listened too long to Marxist sympathizers within the Democrat Party who are ignorant of Cuban history and resist the persistent fact that communism kills both free people and their freedoms. We recognize that unchecked leftism on the island has stripped Cubans of their right to free speech, their right to bear...
Tea Party Patriots Action Slams Biden Speech on Voting Laws
Atlanta, GA – Today, President Biden delivered a speech in Philadelphia about the recent controversies over voting laws. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “President Biden is completely wrong and dishonest about what Georgia, Florida, Arizona and other states have done to strengthen their voting laws. These state-based efforts have a simple and fair-minded goal: to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat. Texas is the latest front in this campaign. Instead of working constructively with their colleagues, scores of Texas Democrat lawmakers fled the state rather than do their jobs. That was wrong. “President Biden’s scaremongering won’t work. At both the state and federal level, TPPA will continue advocating for commonsense reforms to ensure election integrity.”
Tea Party Patriots Action Releases 46-Page Toolkit for Parents & Students Fighting Critical Race Theory
Atlanta, GA – This week, Tea Party Patriots Action (TPPA) officially released its 46-page toolkit for parents and students fighting Critical Race Theory (CRT). The toolkit, titled United We Stand, can be found here. The United We Stand toolkit is part of TPPA’s campaign to encourage people to attend their local school board meetings to oppose CRT, and to urge a full return to in-classroom instruction. TPPA Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “Every day, there is another story of a local school board and its disdain for parents, students, and taxpayers. We are also seeing parents standing up for their kids in fiery, passionate, well-spoken comments at school board meetings. That is why TPPA created and is distributing our United We Stand toolkit — to stand for content of character, and to stand against Critical Race Theory. CRT promotes racial stereotypes and teaches that the way people think and act is tied to their skin color. This is the exact opposite of everything the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence represent, and everything the Civil Rights movement fought to achieve. CRT must be stopped, and the United We Stand toolkit shows the way. “We encourage every parent and concerned citizen who cares about the future of our country to attend their local school board meeting, learn what is going on locally, and ensure schools are fully open. Teachers should be teaching reading, writing, arithmetic, and history without indoctrination. If you want to begin, but do not know how to do this, sign up with Tea Party Patriots Action, and we will help get you started.” TPPA is working to distribute the toolkit to parents and concerned citizens in over 14,000 school districts. To learn more about TPPA’s campaign to make July National Attend a School Board Meeting Month, click here. In addition to her organizing work with...
Tea Party Patriots Foundation Reacts to Unveiling of New Evidence in Favorito Case
TPPF Filed Amicus Curiae Brief in Support of Petitioner ATLANTA, GA – Today, Garland Favorito, the petitioner in the case of Favorito v. Cooney, held a press conference in which he presented further evidence of misconduct, irregularities, and incompetence that occurred in the November 2020 election. Tea Party Patriots Foundation (TPPF), which provides training opportunities and educational resources to the largest network of grassroots Tea Party groups and activists around the country, filed an amicus curiae brief in support of the petitioner’s motion to unseal paper ballots and compel production of ballots in the case of Favorito v. Cooney. TPPF President Jenny Beth Martin released the following statement: “Tea Party Patriots Foundation, former President Trump, and concerned voters of the State of Georgia have always stood on the side of transparency and election integrity. As Americans, we all have an interest in ensuring that every state’s election procedures and systems are secure, supervised, and protective of the sanctity of our fundamental right to vote – even in Georgia, the state where our organization happens to be headquartered. That’s why we filed an amicus curiae brief in the matter of Favorito v. Cooney, in the superior court of Fulton County, Georgia. “The Secretary of State’s Office filed an amicus brief to fight the review of physical absentee ballots in the open records from the Favoritocase. The Tea Party Patriots Foundation countered with its own amicus brief, highlighting the misrepresentations of the Secretary of State’s Office and its continued attempts to hide evidence of fraud, misconduct, and irregularities. The court sided with Favorito and the review of absentee ballots and related records is ongoing. “Today, at a press conference held by Garland Favorito, further evidence was unveiled substantiating the misconduct, irregularities, and incompetence that occurred in the November 2020 election. Mr. Favorito’s new evidence reveals irrefutable proof that there was audit...
Tea Party Patriots Action Supports Texas Legislature’s Push to Strengthen Election Integrity
Atlanta, GA – Today, Texas lawmakers will reconvene for a special 30-day legislative session that will include action on a voting reform bill designed to strengthen election integrity. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: “We thank Governor Abbott for calling the Texas Legislature into special session and continuing to prioritize common-sense election reform. The vast majority of Texans and the vast majority of Americans want voting laws that make it easy to vote and hard to cheat. We look forward to Texas joining other states such as Georgia, Florida, and Arizona that recently strengthened their voting laws to heighten election integrity. Additionally, we will continue to oppose left-wing activists who demand a national takeover of elections, which the Founders wanted to be administered by the states.”